Chapter 10

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(Star's POV)

(A few days later)

It was Friday and I was sitting in my final class of the day. Marco was still angry at me, so he was sitting far away and I wasn't able to talk to him during class. I was feeling really bad about what I did and I wanted to apologize, but I had no idea what to say. Thankfully though, my attack didn't leave an indent in the wall and Marco had decided against telling his parents what happened. "Why did I attack him?" I asked myself as I scratched my desk.

Just then, Miss Skullnick slammed a paper on my desk. "Once again class, most of you did horrible; and you will most likely be seeing me during summer school if this keeps up."

I looked at my paper and saw a C- in the upper right corner. "A C? What does that stand for?" I thought back to my last grade which was an F which Marco said was the worst grade I could get. "So if an A is the best and an F is the worst … then that means I got a good grade!" I was about to turn to Marco and tell him the good news, until I remembered that he wasn't sitting near me. "Oh … that's right." I turned back to the front and sighed.

I continued to look down, until the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the end of the school day. As I got up I noticed that Marco had already left; leaving me to either find Marcus and walk out the back, or walk out the front, listen to Oscar's music, then walk home alone. "It has been a while since I stayed for Oscar's latest concert." I said as I walked towards the front of the school.

As I walked out I saw the usual people doing their strange crawling dance with their ears covered. "Ah, he sounds amazing today." I said as I walked up to him.

He looked at me while playing and smiles. "Sup." He says without stopping.

"Hi." I say as I fall into a trance.

As the concert eventually comes to an end, Oscar packs up his gear and gets into his car. "Wait a minute." I pleaded. He stopped and looked at me. "Um … do you think … we could catch a movie or something?" I asked.

He smiled. "I'll think about it." He replied.

"Yeah!" I shouted as I threw my hands in the air. I instantly pulled them down and regained my composure. "I mean … cool." He drove off and I almost levitated off the ground. "I might get a date with Oscar."

(Star's POV)


I walked back to the house as cheerful as can be. When I walked inside I was greeted by the happy expressions of Mr. and Mrs. Diaz. "Hello Star." Mr. Diaz greeted. "Your home later than usual."

"I was listening to Oscar play … and he said that he might go out with me."

"Um … you said might?" Mrs. Diaz asked.

"Yeah." I replied dreamily. "He needs to think about it."

I rushed up the stairs and over to Marco's room, to tell him the good news. "Marco!" I exclaimed as I threw open the door to see him lying down on his bed. He looked up at me, surprised. "I've maybe got a date with Oscar."

"What?" He said as he looked at me with a look that I couldn't quite pin down.

"Well he said that he will think about it, but I have a good feeling about it." I said cheerfully.

He looked at me, obviously at a loss for words, for what felt like ten minutes. "Star." He finally got out. "You … blasted me earlier this week because I said I didn't like Oscar."

I froze as the gravity of what I had just done hit me. "Oh."

"Are you … are you trying to rub it in my face or something?" He asked.

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