Chapter 3

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(Star's POV)

(After the last class of the day)

The final class of the day had just ended, and Marco and I were making our way out of the school. "I swear, sometimes it feels as though Miss Skullnick doesn't even know how to teach sometimes." Marco noted.

"I'm sorry that you only share two classes with Stella." I said as I kicked the floor.

"What's there to be sorry about?" Marco asked. "What does it matter if I share any classes with her?"

"Well ... you like her, don't you?" I asked.

Marco sighed. "Star, this is the third time I'm telling you, Stella and I aren't dating."

"But you still like her right?" I asked.

Marco stopped walking and sighed. "Look Star, sure we're close and ... maybe if she had stayed, then the two of us could have had something; but now I only see her as a friend." I felt a sense of ease come over me as Marco explained that he didn't have feelings for Stella. "Almost forgot, what did you want to tell me earlier?"

I looked at him confused. "Tell you … earlier?" I asked.

"Yeah, back at lunch." He answered.

"Oh that." I began. "Well you see Marco, I found out that-" I stopped when I noticed Marcus walking around a corner then quickly turning around the second he saw me. "Will you excuse me for a moment?" I asked. I began chasing Marcus, eager to make him pay for what he said earlier. "GET BACK HERE YOU!" I shouted as I gave chase. He ran out of the building and I followed him, but quickly stopped when I hit the parking lot and heard the sound of Oscar's music. He was sitting and playing his keytar, on his car again, with the usual crowd of other students doing a strange dance where they cover their ears and run around like crazy. "Hi." I said as I walked up to his car.

He continued playing for a short time before he looked at me. "Hey."

I continued listening for a while, before giving chase to Marcus again.

It wasn't hard for me to catch up to him, and when he was within range, I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him. "Cheese ray!" A stream of various cheeses erupted from my wand and nailed Marcus, forcing him to fall over. "I have you now!" I shouted when I reached him and pointed my wand at his face. "Now say you're sorry for lying."

"Oscar plays crappy music." Marcus replied. "Threatening my life isn't going to change how utterly horrible his skills are."

I was filled with fury and my hand began shaking. I was ready to blast him, at point blank range, and make him pay for being so mean; but I just sighed and lowered my wand. "Do you have a death wish or something?" I asked as placed my hands on my hips.

"Is there a problem with just being honest?" He asked as he got to his feet. "I don't like his music and I expressed my opinion of it, what reason would I have to lie about that?"

I rolled my eyes. "I guess you do have a point there … but you still don't have to so rude about it."

He took a few steps back as his eyes went wide. "S-S-S-Star?" He said as he pointed behind me.

I turned around to see Ludo and his minions. "Ludo." I said as my eyes narrowed. "Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday? Or any of the other times Marco and I beat you?"

"Yes I have Star." Ludo replied. "Or have you not noticed that your body guard isn't here?"

"My body guard?" I asked.

"Yes, that boy with the red hoodie." Ludo answered.

"You mean Marco?" I asked. "Marco isn't my body guard, he's my friend."

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