Chapter 22

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(Marco's POV)

I sat there, depressed, as the finale came to a close. Everyone was looking at me, probably trying to find out what to say. "Are you Marco Diaz?" someone asked.

"Not the response I was expecting." I responded.

"Wasn't any of us." Alfonzo replied.

"I said, are you Marco Diaz?" The voice said, as it got closer.

I got up and looked around and saw someone in a white cloak standing behind us. "Who wants to know?" I asked.

"You have friends with you?" He asked as he looked at everyone else. "I suppose we should have suspected as much from the spectacle we just saw."

The others got up, and looked at him as well. "Who are you?" Ferguson asked.

"That's not important right now, you all will have to come with me."

"And why should we do that?" I asked.

"Because the more of you we have, the better the chances that our plan will work."

"Seriously?" I asked. "What I meant was why should we go with you at all?"

"Marco!" Marcus said, as he looked behind us. I turned around to see that there were others in white cloaks, and as I looked around, I saw even more.

"We're surrounded." I said, annoyed.

"Very perceptive Marco." The figure said with a smile. "Now, are you going to come with us willingly? Or is this going to get hard?"

I was about to reply but Ferguson stepped in front of me. "You must be new around these parts, Marco and Marcus here are extremely adept at fighting monsters, what makes you think a handful of regular humans can take us?"

"Ferguson!" Marcus hissed as he pulled him back. "I just used up nearly all my remaining fireworks with that show."

"Why didn't you bring extra?!" Ferguson replied.

"How was I supposed to know that we would be fighting a bunch of hooded figures?!"

"Who are you guys?" I demanded. "And you still haven't told us what you want with us!"

"I really don't see why you need to know, but I suppose, if it makes things easier." The other cloaked figures got closer. "We are the cult of Star, and we are here to kidnap you; to use as leverage to get to Star Butterfly."

We all quickly stood back to back. "I don't know if I feel better or worse." Marcus said, nervously.

"Worse." I answered. "Definitely worse."

"So we're going to do this the hard way then?" The leader asked. "Very well, take them all."

They began to advance, as I took a fighting stance. Marcus pulled out his lighters, Alfonzo began taking a few steps back, and Ferguson held his hands in a makeshift guard like something you see on T.V. "You want a piece of this?" Ferguson asked. "You want me to release the beast? You want me to unleash the fury?"

"Can you please shut up?" Marcus asked.

"What? I'm psyching them out."

Marcus rolled his eyes as he pulled out a sparkler.

"Get them!" The figure exclaimed causing the cultists to charge.

I quickly grabbed one as he was about to tackle me, and threw him into the guy charging Marcus. "Thanks Marco." Marcus replied as he lit his sparkler and pointed it at the cultists. All the cultists in front of him stopped charging, and took a few steps back. I took this opportunity to hit another. "Well that was unexpected."

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