Chapter 4

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(Star's POV)

I rushed back to the house, excited for tomorrow night. I was going to get a private fireworks show and all I had to do was stop being angry at Marcus's opinion of Oscar's music. When I got back to the house I found Mrs. Diaz in the living room vacuuming. "Oh, good evening Star, welcome home."

"Hi Mrs. Diaz." I said as I rushed upstairs. When I got to my room I threw my door open and threw myself on my bed.

"I'm going to get my own fireworks show!" I said cheerfully. "I hardly know what it is, but I get my own private show."

Just then, I heard my mirror begin to ring and looked over to it to see that my mom was calling. "Wonder what she wants." I asked myself as I walked over. I answered and saw my mom in the mirror in her usual royal dress.

"Ah, Star, I'm glad your home. I wanted to check up and see how you've been adjusting to life on Earth."

"I'm doing fine Mom." I responded. "I've been here for quite some time, so I'm well adjusted."

"I'm just checking is all." She responded. "And how is your school work going?"

I looked at her, confused. "School … work?"

"Why yes. You are still a foreign exchange student, it's important that you do well in school."

"Of … course." I said nervously. "Just out of curiosity, what happens if I don't do well in school?"

"Why, we send you to St. Olga's of course."

I felt my stomach drop, as a sense of grave fear came over me. "You mean St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses?"

"Yes Star." My mom responded. "But that's only if you don't do well, so you shouldn't worry about that."

I looked over to my desk where I had a few tests that I got back; all had F's. "Yeah." I responded halfheartedly. "I shouldn't have to worry."

"Well that's all well and good. So, have you made any new friends?"

"What? Of course I have. You do know who you're talking to, right?"

"I'm sorry, I meant have you met anyone special."

I looked at her confused. "Special?"

"Yes Star. You are at that age where you start to develop those kinds of feelings. I want to know if you ever need someone to talk to, then you can just call me."

"Okay, can we stop talking about this now?" I asked.

"I just want to make sure you don't end up with another boy like Tom again."

"I'm NEVER going to fall for a guy like Tom EVER again in my life!" I snapped.

"Very well Star, but is there anyone I should know about who might end up being our future king?"

"I don't have a boyfriend Mom." I stated.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. "No dates? No plans?"

"No dates mom, and the only plans I currently have is a private show that someone is giving me tomorrow."

"Ah, so there is someone." She noted.

"It's not like that Mom." I pleaded.

"Looks to me like someone is trying to court you."

"Sorry bad connection!" I quickly pressed the disconnect button to end the call. "When did my mom get so interested in my love life?" I asked myself.

"No idea." I heard Marco say from my door.

I looked over at him, surprised. "How long have you been listening?" I asked.

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