Chapter 23

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(Marco's POV)

I made it back home without any real problems. I did however have to make sure that everyone else made it home safely, so it was late when I got home; and all I wanted to do was fall unconscious on my bed. "Awe man, tonight was brutal." I said as I walked into my room. I walked over to my bed and just collapsed. "I'm just going to sleep here for a while and take a shower in the morning."

"Do you really think not telling Star about the cultists is a good idea?" Monster Arm asked.

"I don't need her help." I replied. "And without her, I would need your help so why are you trying to convince me otherwise?"

"I'm not talking about fighting." Monster Arm responded. "I'm talking about telling the truth; you're upset with Star because she's been lying to you. Now you want to keep something from her. Don't you see the irony here?"

"Well, I'm keeping this from her because she lied to me, and I don't want to talk to her." I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"You don't hate Star enough for that."

I opened an eye and leered. "Excuse me?"

"You're upset, angry, vindictive, but I can tell, you don't despise her,; in fact, I don't sense much hate for Star in your heart at all. If I didn't know better-"

"Well you don't" I interrupted as I turned over. "I don't love Star Butterfly, I will never love Star Butterfly."

"What's the point in lying to me?" He asked. "I know how you feel, I know how devastated you were when you thought you would never see Star again after she went through Mewberty; and how happy you were when she was safe."

"That was a long time ago." I retorted.

"Then why did you feel the same when you heard about her being trapped in another dimension?"

I didn't have a response. It was true, I was worried that I would never see Star again and I wanted so badly to beat Star's location out of the cultist and save her, regardless that she lied to me. Monster Arm was right, I still thought of Star as my friend and I would do anything in my power to save her. That, however, didn't mean that I wasn't mad at her. "Fine, let's assume, for argument's sake, that your right. I still want to keep Star as far away from this as possible; why is that?"

"Because you want to protect her, Marco. You know that as long as Star thinks you're ignorant about the cult she will want to keep it that way, and do everything in her power to avoided the cult while you're around; leaving you free to deal with them so long as she doesn't find out that you are dealing with them."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Let me go to sleep, Monster Arm."

"As you wish." Monster Arm replied. "I will wait for when next time you require my assistance."

(Marco's POV)

(The next day)

I awoke the following morning to the sound of my alarm blaring. "I wish I had turned that off." I said as I scraped myself out of bed. When I finally managed to get up, I made my way to the other side of the room and turned off the alarm. "And I shouldn't have placed it on the opposite side of the room either."

I looked at the clock to confirm that it was seven AM. "Man it's early ... but I'm already up, so I might as well stay up." I walked over to my door and made my way to Star's room. I raised a hand, about to knock, when I froze. "No." I said to myself as I shook my head. "She's not even home, what's the point?" I turned around and headed to the bathroom. "She lied to me, she hurt my feelings, she put me in danger, and I have to remember that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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