Chapter 9

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(Marco's POV)

Stella and I had made our way back to the house after fending off Ludo's latest monster attack. Normally a fight like that would be no problem, but for some reason, I was simply out of energy. "I hope that Star doesn't have any surprises for us." I said as I opened the door. As I opened the door, I relearned why I should never use a 'what could possibly go wrong' line; as I saw Marcus sitting with Star on the living room couch.

"Marco!" Star exclaimed as she saw me. "We've been waiting for you."

"And why is that?" I asked, suspecting it would be something I didn't want to do.

"We're going dimension hoping today!" Star exclaimed.

I sighed. "You know what Star … I think I'll pass."

"Awe." Star said, she was obviously sad. "Are you sure? We'll hit up the Amethyst Arcade again."

"I've had enough excitement for today, thank you very much."

She tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

I was about to tell Star I didn't want to talk about it when Stella answered for me. "We fought Ludo and his minions."

"You WHAT!?" Star shrieked. "You fought Ludo without me?"

"He attacked us, what were we supposed to do?" I asked.

"You could have contacted me; I would have gone straight there." She replied.

"We had it under control." Stella replied.

"That's not the point!" Star snapped. "You fought Ludo without me Marco."

"So what?" I asked. "Are you telling me that I can't fight unless I invite you? Last I checked, you had no problem fighting with Marcus instead of me."

"Now hold on a second." Marcus said as he stood up. "I was forced to fight when Ludo attacked, I didn't have a choice."

"Marcus can handle himself just as well as you can, Marco." Star replied.

"So now you think I can't handle myself well enough to fight Ludo without you, is that it?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear?" Stella asked. "We handled it and everything turned out all right."

"That's not what I'm saying." Star defended. "I'm saying that I should have been there."

"What's the reason behind this argument?" Marcus asked.

"So now you have to be in control of everything?" I asked.

"I don't think they're listening to us." Stella added.

"I don't need to be in control of anything." She retorted.

"Maybe we should leave them alone." Marcus said as he scratched the back of his head. "Do you have anything to eat?"

"Sure." Stella answered. Stella led Marcus out of the room leaving Star and I alone.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "So you don't need things the way you want them to be all the time?"

"You have something to say, Marco?" Star asked. "If you do then say it."

"Fine." I hissed. "I hate Oscar."

Star's eyes went wide as she took a few steps back. "You … don't like his music?"

"No." I answered. "I don't like anything about him." I crossed my arms. "He's nothing but a punk. He doesn't bother to really talk to you. His music sucks, if you can even call it music. I don't think he actually likes you, and he's an all-around bad person."

Her jaw dropped slightly. "Marco I … I …" She clenched her wand then pointed it at me. "RAINBOW BLAST!" A rainbow blasted from Star's wand and collided with me, sending me flying against the far wall. I then fell to my knees and caught myself before falling to the ground.

When I looked up I saw Star covering her mouth, with a look of shock on her face. "Marco I-"

"Don't." I interrupted as I stood up. "I knew that this was going to happen."

Star covered her mouth as I made my way to the stairs. I walked up the stairs and into my room where I lay down on the bed. "Ludo was right." I said as I looked at the celling. "Star has replaced me."

(Ludo's POV)

I was sitting on my throne; as all my minions had gone to their sleeping chambers to recover. "Stupid body guards." I said, as I looked at my empty throne room. "If only I had something to take care of them."

Just then, my mirror began ringing and the caller ID showed a private number. I rolled my eyes thinking that it was another campaign, or something, but decided that I needed a little distraction, so I answered it. "I'm not looking to buy anything." I answered immediately.

"Oh really?" A silhouette responded. "I can get you better monsters."

My eyes went wide. "You can what?" I paused. "Oh, hold on a second … I bet your lying."

"I'm not lying, Ludo." The silhouette responded. "We can both benefit from this arrangement … which is why I will tell you the best place to get henchmen, who will really help you."

"Sadly, I'm short on funds... at the moment." I responded. "And what could you possible get out of such an arrangement? I want the Royal Wand; and there's nothing else that Star has that can't be easily acquired from Quest Buy."

"I will pay for you to get four henchmen, one for Star and one for each of her guardians. As for the why … let's just say that I'm not after an object in Star's possession; but I need her, and her guards alive."

I looked away and thought to myself. "I will get Star's wand, no matter what?"

"Possibly." The figure responded. "If you can take it, then it's all yours … my plan doesn't require you taking it, or her not having it, so I'm indifferent to whether you fail or not."

"And I can pick these minions?" I asked.

"I will give you the place, and the money, for four of them; so long as you don't tell anyone where you got the funds."

I thought to myself some more. "All right then, you have yourself a deal … I will get these henchmen and fight Star and her bodyguards, then I will take her wand for myself." I looked at the silhouette. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it?"

The silhouette shook its head. "No … no it's not."

"Excellent." I said as I folded my fingers.

Words Count 1051

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