Chapter 20

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(Marco's POV)

(The following day)

I was sitting at the dining room table, with Stella, finishing up breakfast, as I began wondering about the tournament later today. "You think that there will be some tough competition there?" I asked.

"Well I'm going to be there, so you probably have no hope." She responded.

"I mean aside from you." I added.

"Probably." She replied as she sat back in her chair. "Who knows who's going to be there."

"Fair point." I said as I stood up to put my bowl away. I walked over to the sink and I heard someone walking down the stairs. I walked over to see who it was and saw Star was walking to the front door. "Where are you off to?" I asked.

Star turned around, surprised. "Marco! ... I was ... just going out."

"Out wher-" I stopped myself and shook my head. "Actually ... never mind that, are you going to be at the tournament later?"

"Tournament?" She asked.

"The karate tournament." I answered.

"Oh that." She began. "Um ... sure, I'll meet you there."

"Really?" I asked. "Because I've been getting the sense that you're not too interested in-"

"I love watching you fight Marco." Star began. "I promise you that I will make it to your tournament before the first round even begins."

"Cool." I replied. "So I'll see you later then."

"Sure." She said as she opened the door. "I'll see you later."

(Marco's POV)


Stella and I arrived at the tournament and were already seated, waiting for everyone else, and for the competition to start. It was a large event so they had rented out a larger gym than before, and there were around sixty competitors. It was only a few more minutes before the tournament would start and I could not spot Star anywhere in the audience. "Hey, Stella, do you see Star anywhere?" I asked.

"Can't say I do." She replied. "Your parents aren't here either."

"They said that they wouldn't be able to make it." I replied. "I still can't find Star."

"So what?" Stella asked. "Why is it so important that Star make it?"

"Because she said she would and ..." I sighed. "I just ... things are ... things have been ... strained between us."

"Ah, you don't think she's your friend anymore, is that it?" Stella asked.

"No." I responded. "I mean ... I don't think that's it ... I hope not ... possibly ... I don't know."

"Well you shouldn't stress about it because the tournament is starting."

(Star's POV)

I was running to the address Marco had given me, I had lost track of time while trying to find out more about the cult ; now I was going to be late. "Marco's going to kill me." I said as I realized that I turned a wrong corner.

"Don't worry Star." I heard someone say. I turned around to see a bunch of hooded cultists, one sporting long blue hair. "We'll keep you safe from your friends."

"Really? I was looking for you guys all day and now you show up?" I asked as I pulled out my wand.

"We didn't want to make you late for your date with Marco, but seeing as he's going to be a danger to you ... we thought it best if you don't go." The leader replied.

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