Chapter 11

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(Marco's POV)

"Looks like I couldn't have come at a better time." Ludo said with s smug smile. "You're all alone with no one to help you."

"Hey, what about me?" Jackie asked. "Don't I count for anything? And what about this guy?" She asked as she motioned to where Oscar was. "I'm sure that he-" She stopped to look back and saw that Oscar wasn't there anymore. "What happened to Oscar?"

"He ran." I said as I took a guard stance. "And I don't think you are capable of fighting these guys."

She looked at Ludo's henchmen then took a step back.

"So is the fish lady going to fight as well?" Ludo asked.

"Fish lady?" I asked confused.

"Oh please, I'd recognize a marooned mermaid anywhere." Ludo added.

I looked back at Jackie who was backing away slowly. "Marco … I … I have no idea what he's talking about."

"Enough talk!" Ludo shouted. "Fungus Armungious! Step forward!" A large turtle like creature with about five mushrooms on its back stepped forward. "I got this little guy especially to destroy you Marco, it's a great honor to be such a pest to someone like me!"

"Then a lot of people must be honored." I replied, I mean you are so bad at this, Star and I beat you every week."

"But Star's not here, now is she?" Ludo asked. "And even if she were, I have a minion for her as well."

I looked behind Ludo to see, amongst his other minions, a Treant like creature, a strange man, with what looked like a red cloak covering his entire body up to his eyes, and a really large rock with arms and legs that was about the size of Man Arm and Spikeballs.

"So … I have to fight this mushroom turtle?" I asked as I pointed to the minion on front of me.

"Not so much." Fungus Armungious replied. He clenched for a moment which caused all his mushrooms to fly off and land around me.

I looked at them confused until they started looking at me. "Oh, this can't be good." I said as they grew arms and legs.

"I can spawn a number of minions that will follow my every command." Fungus Armungious said as more mushrooms grew on his back. "The only drawback is that they only live for about an hour, and it takes food and energy to grow more but thanks to Ludo, I was able to fuel up before coming here."

"So all you have to do is eat and you can keep spawning more of these things?" I asked as I stepped back.

"I have a specialized diet." He said as five more mushroom men came flying off his back. "Now Mushren, ATTACK!"

The mushroom men charged and I quickly got back into my fighting position. I chopped one, kicked another, and punched two more causing them to break and fall over. "These guys are easy." I said as I roundhouse kicked another.

"Like I said, I'm well fed!" He declared as he launched more mushren at me. When he was done, there were about forty more mushren; all of them looking for a fight.

"This can't end well." I said, as I tried to back up, only to find that I was surrounded.

"Emmitt, Deer Beard, why don't you give Fungus Armungious a hand." Ludo commanded.

Both Emmitt and Deer Beard walked over to the fight, cracking their knuckles. "Oh, this can't end well." I said as I got ready for round two.

(Star's POV)


I had gotten up later than expected, probably because I wasn't able to sleep the previous night. When I finally got up, I got dressed,and I made my way downstairs,; Stella's party had already started and the cake was nearly finished. "Oh, good morning Star." Mrs. Diaz greeted. "Sorry, we didn't want to wake you."

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