Chapter 6

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(Marco's POV)

(The next morning)

I was at the strip mall dojo with Stella and we were getting ready to practice. I wanted to invite Star so that I could spend more time with her, but she was gone before I woke up. "I can't believe it." I said as I finished getting on my gi. I mean Marcus said that he hated Oscar's music, still says that, and Star becomes friends with him. That's not even possible."

"You don't like Oscar's music either." Stella added. "And with good reason."

I rolled my eyes. "Well yeah, but I would never say it. He makes Star happy. Saying that I don't like his music would just make Star angry with me."

"Or maybe you're still too scared." Stella added. "You were always the safe kid, never taking chances. That's why you lost Jackie."

"Please don't bring that up." I requested.

"You're still taking this too seriously, I mean sure, his fireworks might be impressive; but that doesn't mean that you need to have some special gift to make her not hate you for not liking Oscar's music."

I put on my headband and sighed. "That's not the point, I feel as if she's replacing me with this Marcus fellow."

Stella stood up and stretched out her arm. "Well she'll need a new best friend when you become her boyfriend."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "I'm not … we're not … I don't …" I shook my head. "We're not in love."

"Then shut up." She said as she started stretching out her legs. "All you've been doing is complaining about how Star is spending more time with Marcus, and it's starting to get annoying."

I looked away. "Yeah, you're probably right; it's probably nothing to worry about."

Both of us got on our sparring equipment, bowed to each other, and took a fighting position. "Ready?" She asked.

"Ready." I answered.

"You take the first move then." She responded.

I took a deep breath and took in her stance. She usually took a front facing stance, as opposed to having her front facing the side; which is good in most situations, but better when your opponent isn't fast or strong enough to exploit the openings it creates. I took a deep breath and went in for the attack, I tried to land a few quick blows, but after I threw my first punch, she blocked it and hit my underarm causing me to lose my balance. "Too slow Marco." She noted. "You also left yourself open when you attacked."

"I realized that." I said as I took up guard again. I took another shot, this time being careful not to leave myself open. She managed to block all of my punches, before going on the offensive. She threw three punches, all of which I blocked, before moving in and landing a punch on my chest.

"Still leaving your guard open." She noted.

"I know." I got my balance back and tried attacking again.

"You're distracted." She said as she blocked my punch. "I'll admit you're better than you used to be; but you need to stay focused." I tried to punch again, only for her to dodge it and move in to nail me in the chest again. "I told you to stop worrying about Star."

"For the last time, I'm not worried about Star." I said as I attacked again; only for her to completely dodge out of my way and hit my side, causing me to drop to my knees. "Ack! I think you broke something."

"I didn't hit you that hard Marco." She said as she helped me up. "Maybe we should take a short break."

"What?" I asked. "No, I'm fine, we don't have to take a break."

"You're too distracted, Marco." She said as she took a seat at the empty stand.

I sighed and walked over to her. "I told you, I don't love Star."

"But you're thinking about her." She responded. "And it's distracting (So) tell me why she's so important, if you don't love her?"

I sighed as I took a seat. "All right fine." I said in defeat. "Yes, I have been worried about her spending more time with Marcus ... but not because I love her."

"Then what is it?" She asked.

I let my head drop. "I lived a bland and boring life before I met Star. Everyone called me 'The Safe Kid' and …" I paused. "That's really the only noteworthy thing about my life before Star. But from the moment she came into my life everything changed, there was magic, monsters, trouble, danger, adventure, and so much more." I placed my hands on my knees. "She made my life interesting. Now it looks like she's got a new sidekick and doesn't need me any more." I let out a sigh. "Imagine if someone took away all the excitement of fighting for you, that's how I feel."

"I don't have to imagine it Marco." She responded. "Sparing and karate lost its spark some time ago."

"Say what?" I asked.

"I said I no longer get the thrill out of training that I used to." She repeated. "I don't know how it happened, but slowly things just … got dull." She hugged her knees. "I still train and practice as much as possible but … it's like something is missing from inside me."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I responded. "I had no idea."

"Don't be worried Marco." She said as she patted me on the back. "I still like completely destroying you so you don't have to worry about that."

"Oh, lucky me." I said as I rolled my eyes.

Words Count 944(yes yes i know short chapter)

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