Chapter 21

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(Star's POV)

I was sitting on the island in another dimension, watching as the sun set over the horizon for the fifth time in the last half hour. "This would be so much more romantic if I had someone sitting here with me or, I don't know, any crush at all?" I said as I threw my hands into the air. "I would seriously rather be at Marco's tournament."

"Trust me, it's not as interesting as you might think." I heard someone say, causing me to grab my wand, jump to my feet, and turn around. I saw a boy, maybe the same age as me, with really short brown hair, a black tee shirt and shorts.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Easy." He replied. "I'm not here to fight." He pulled out a pair of dimensional scissors and I lowered my wand.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm here to take you home." He responded.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right, the only people who know I'm here are the cultists; meaning that you have to be one of them or you were sent by them."

The boy nodded. "Yes ... I am a member of the cult of Star ... but I am really here to take you home."

I pointed my wand at him again. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that you don't have some ulterior motive?"

He sighed. "I didn't expect you to trust me ... Lannister was way too aggressive, and Roy didn't help much either."

I lowered my wand, a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"I want you to know that I was against this direct approach, and more for a friendlier approach; but I was outvoted."

My eyes opened wide. "Wait ... you're one of the leaders?"

He nodded. "My name's Mathew. I am one of the higher ups of the cult of Star."

"Meaning that I shouldn't trust you!" I spat.

"Please understand." He began. "Not all of us think the same way; Roy thinks force is the key, while Lannister has a more ... tactical approach."

"And you?" I asked.

He smiled. "I want to do this peacefully, become friends along the way ... hopefully."

"Do you even understand what you're asking?" I asked. "You're a cult!"

"Does that make us evil?" He asked. "Sure, Roy is way over the top and Lannister can't be trusted to watch a glass of water, but remember who you are."

"I'm just a normal girl trying to hang out with her best friend."

Mathew laughed. "No, you're Star Butterfly. You're magic. You're a princess, and you're from another dimension. You are nothing close to normal by earth's standards." I lowered my wand a little. "Are you even normal by Mewni's standards? I mean you're pretty high up on the royal food chain, all the way at the top from what I've heard." He walked closer to me. "You're special, no matter how you look at it, now do you see where we're coming from with this whole cult thing?"

I sighed and bit my lower lip. "Fine, maybe you could be nice. That doesn't automatically mean that you are nice; when I already know that there are members of your cult who attacked me."

He smiled. "Well that's progress ... I think." He handed me the dimensional scissors. "If you don't trust me to bring you home, let me trust you to bring me home."

I looked at him, confused. "You're ... just going to let me go?"

"I want you to trust me Star, I want to be on your side and I want to convince Lannister and Roy that the nice way is best." He bowed slightly. "And if I want you to trust me, then I must show you that I trust you."

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