Chapter 12

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(Marco's POV)

I was standing back-to-back with Stella, on one side was Fungus Armungious's army and on the other was the giant rock golem. "Want to trade, Marco?" Stella asked.

"How am I supposed to fight a golem with my fists?" I asked.

"Fair point." She said, as she reached for a weapon. "Wood isn't going to work and I only have one weapon made of metal." She pulled out her sai and held them with the blunt end forward. "Not like it's going to be of much use anyway though."

Both forces started charging and I took a guard. I immediately struck down five with ease, but I was extremely tired and felt like I was going to give out at any moment. Without Deer Beard or Emmitt they wouldn't be getting in any hits which were a plus for me but their sheer number was a problem in and of itself. As I continued to resist, I could only wonder how everyone else was doing.

(No one's POV)

Stella was rushing the golem, hoping to catch him off guard. When she reached him, she quickly struck the monster a few times, before dodging to the side. She then struck the monster a few more times, only to realize that the monster hadn't even flinched. She then noticed that her arms were sore from hitting solid rock with metal, and couldn't hold onto her sai anymore; forcing her to drop her weapons.

"You no rake me down!" The giant golem began. "Boulder Blast is impenitribible!"

"Ever try English?" Stella asked as she took a few steps back. "At least at his size, he won't be able to move fast."

"You think Boulder Blast slow?" Boulder Blast asked, before hitting Stella square in the chest, causing her to go flying. "Boulder Blast is made of rock yes, Boulder Blast is large yes, but Boulder Blast isn't slow."

Stella got to her feet and noticed that Boulder Blast was charging her. She looked behind her and spied a building made of concrete. "Perfect." She said to herself. She dodged out of the way at the last second hoping that Boulder Blast would collide with the building but he stopped right before colliding with it.

"And Boulder Blast not stupid." He said as he turned towards Stella.

Stella looked at him, shocked. "But … you … and-"

"Boulder Blast cursed to talk like dumb man, but Boulder Blast has I.Q. of one hundred fifteen."

"You have got to be joking." Stella said as she got to her feet. "Any other surprises you want to tell me about?"

"Yes." Boulder Blast said as his stomach started to shift. "Boulder Blast, not as fat as seems." As his supposed stomach shifted, it separated to reveal that he actually had two other arms which were covering his stomach. "Boulder Blast really have four arms instead of two."

"Perfect." Stella said sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Marcus was staring down his opponent, while getting his gloves on. "You know, you could have tried to attack me while I was getting my gloves on just now." Marco informed his opponent.

"It's unsporting to attack a man before he's ready." His opponent replied.

"Yet you drop kicked me not to long ago." Marcus reminded his opponent.

"In all fairness, you did attack my allies and I needed to get you away from the other; so we could have our battle. But if you would like, I could give you one free shot."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass." Marcus replied. "I have much more devastating attacks than you do, and it wouldn't be fair for me to beat you with my free attack."

"So we have a fair match then?"

"It appears we do." Marcus responded. "My names Marcus by the way."

"And you may call me Talon." The cloaked man responded.

"Nice name." Marcus said as he pulled out his lighter and lit it. "I almost wish I didn't have to do this."

"Do what?" Talon asked.

"This." Marcus said as he pulled out a rocket and tried to light it. The rocket didn't light and Marcus looked at it, confused. He saw that the flame, on his lighter, was out. "That's strange." He said as he lit his lighter again. The flame instantly went out; just as it was lit. "I can't be out of fluid, it's still lighting." He tried again, and once again, the flame instantly went out.

"Confused?" Talon asked. "Let me shed some light on the situation." Talon threw open his cloak to reveal that it was really two large wings that were wrapped around him. Beneath his wings, he looked like an anthropomorphic bird with a beak, feathers, and everything.

"Should have guessed from the name." Marcus said as he took a few steps back. Talon flapped his wings causing him to take to the air; Marcus took this opportunity to light his rocket. Marcus then fired his rocket at Talon, who flapped his wings, once, which caused the rocket to veer off course, and into the sky.

"You should consider yourself lucky." Talon stated. "I could have easily redirected that back at you."

"Well we'll just see about that." Marcus said as he pulled out two more rockets. He fired both of these, one after the other, and once again, Talon flapped his wings once, which caused the rockets to veer off course.

"My turn now." Talon brought his wings back then with one swift motion, brought them together so quickly that it created a gust that sent Marcus flying a good ten feet. Talon then dive-bombed Marcus, who barely managed to get out of the way in time. As Marcus got his footing back, he tried to light his lighter again, but Talon snuffed out the flame with one quick motion. "You think you can beat me with fire and projectiles?" Talon asked. "I can create strong winds with ease. If I wanted to, you would never even be able to light a single one of your projectiles."

"Then that makes this interesting." Marcus retorted. "I think."

(Star's POV)

I had just been thrown toward the feet of a Treant with brownish leaves. "So you're the one who did that?" I asked. I pointed my wand at it. "Well prepare to get crushed. Sawblade Shockwave!" Sawblades came blasting from my wand and at the Treant. When they collided with him, they dug into him slightly, before stopping. "Ha, how's that?" I asked.

The sawblades fell from the Treant and then the spots where they had dug into grew back instantly. "Patheticus." The Treant replied.

"Huh?" I asked as I looked at him. Roots then came out of the ground coming at me. I quickly dodged them then pointed my wand at the Treant again. "Rainbow Blast!" A blast of magic rainbow energy erupted from my wand and collided with the Treant but when the dust cleared he was still standing, without even a scratch.

"Est quod numquid potes optimus curo Stella Papilio?" The Treant said with a smile.

"What are you saying?!" I demanded.

The Treant rolled it's eyes then more roots come from the ground and grabbed my arms. "Vos neque potest Assula Betula!"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" I shouted.

"He said his name is Splinter Birch." Marcus said, as he avoided one of Talon's swoop attacks.

"You speak Treant?" I asked.

"It's Latin." Marcus responded as he avoided another one of Talon's attacks.

I looked back at Splinter Birch. "Latin?" I asked. "It doesn't matter. Rabbit Rocket Blast!" I blasted free from Splinter Birch's grip and pointed my wand at him again. "Turbo Hydro Shockwave!" I blast of water erupted from my wand and hit him and like before; still, he didn't even flinch.

"Habeo militaverunt membra de papilio domus ante et nemo caesos omnes." He smiled.

"Just stop talking!" I shouted.

Words count 1316

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