Chapter 14

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(Marco's POV)

We had made it back to the house in one piece; Jackie had decided to go home, but other than that, we were all here. Stella was in the worst shape of any of us, and even then, she only had minor aches and pains. I was sitting on my bed, with Star watching over me while Marcus and Stella were downstairs with the first aid kit.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Star stated.

"Don't be." I responded. "Ludo attacks all the time, we were just unprepared this time."

"Not about that." Star stated. "I'm sorry about attacking you a few days ago."

"Oh." I responded. "I … you don't have to apologize about that … I knew it was coming, so-"

"NO!" She interrupted. "I shouldn't have attacked you; no matter the reason. You're my best friend and I should have been more understanding, especially since Marcus said the same thing and I didn't attack him."

I sighed. "Look Star … how about we forget that whole thing ever happened and go back to being friends?"

"Besties?" She asked.

"Besties." I answered.

"Hugs!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. "Hugs."

(No one's POV)


The hooded figure furiously walked into the room. "Master!" The figure called out, in a fit of anger. "You could have warned me that the help you were looking for was Ludo, and that you were giving him dangerous monsters!"

The silhouette appeared in the mirror and looked at the hooded figure. "I'm not seeing the problem."

"You could have killed me! Not to mention that you put all three candidates in danger!"

"I knew you would survive." The silhouette responded. "And based on your reaction I'm guessing you now know who the third candidate is?"

The figure crossed its arms. "Interesting, promising, possibly a winner, now can we get back to what's important?" The figure asked. "One of the candidates nearly drowned, and Star almost found out my secret."

"But the candidate didn't drown and did Star find out your secret?"

The figure looked away. "I don't think so, but she might find out soon."

"Deal with it as you see fit, so long as it doesn't affect the plan; I don't care if she finds out."

"I do." The figure responded.

"Then deal with it." The silhouette retorted. "Are you having second thoughts?"

The figure looked away. "No … so long as I get what you promised, I'm still on board."

"Good." The silhouette began. "Now for the update, what is the progress of the candidates in your opinion?"

"Candidate one is out the window, no chance he will make the cut now."

"As I figured, he didn't have good retention factors anyway. What of the other two?"

"Candidate number two shows progress but isn't ready just yet, as for candidate three, I feel as though that one could be ready on command."

The silhouette paused. "Can't go too fast or the retention will be poor." The silhouette noted. "Exactly how much time do think we have left?"

"Not much, it could have ended today if she was able to get to him when he was rescued."

"Then we must work fast." The silhouette began. "I will make contact with my other men and have them stir up a little chaos."

The figure looked at the silhouette confused. "You have other men? Then what on earth was Ludo for? What the heck do you need me for?"

"I am their leader so if I send them after Star then it's only a matter of time before she finds out who I am and that would make things much more difficult if not impossible."

"I understand but if you aren't careful then you will lose the other two candidates."

"Fair point, Ludo was only careless and I should have known what was going to happen. My men will be a bit more … precise. They're not going to make the same mistake as Ludo almost did, I will make sure of it."

"Thanks for the heads up this time." The figure retorted. "So then what is the plan now?"

The silhouette looked away. "Focus everything on candidate number two; hopefully we will be ready soon."

"Why candidate two and not three?"

"Better retention." The silhouette answered. "Now I have a special task for you."

A jar of purple dust suddenly appeared and slowly floated down to the figure. "What is it?" the figure asked.

"Get Marco to ingest it somehow. It will give us some breathing room and help with progress. Also, see if you can put some distance between Star and Marco."

The figure looked at the jar then back at the mirror. "When this is done you will keep your end of the bargain, correct?"

"Of course." The silhouette answered. "Once my plan is done I will keep my end of the bargain and make you whole once more."

Words count 828

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