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He was standing in front of me and I felt scared. I was tongue tied. It felt like there was nothing in my mouth. I couldn't believe it was him...Amir...here talking to me. I felt like a little school girl.

"My name's Amir Washington," he told me, smiling with this beautiful smile. It was a smile that really just seemed to move me.

I smiled back. He was sexy as hell. His long braids were tied back into a ponytail. It seemed like acne didn't dare stress his face.

He reached his hand out and took mine from my side. The hand shake was all his doing. My hand was too limp to shake back. He had such a strong hand. Damn...he was looking right into my eyes like I looked into his.

His eyes were slightly slanted like he had Asian in his blood. He had to have been mixed with Asian. At first I thought he was always just squinting to be extra sexy, but no it was just how he looked. It was the sexiest eyes I've ever seen.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Chauncey..."

He seemed nervous. I could feel the sweat in his hand. Damn...I was nervous too. It was kind of awkward just standing in this hallway with him.

"Crane? Chauncey Crane right?"

He knew my name! "How did you know?"

"The supper last friday," he explained and then smiled with these deep dimples, "I heard it and realized where I knew you from. You looked real familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on it. You ran track in highschool, didn't you?"


"Damn, I loved you," he explained and all of a sudden as though compelled by something he fixed his words, "I mean I loved how you ran! I ran a race against you once. You probably didn't notice. I mean you were just in the zone. My damn coach used to have us watch you on television to study your running technique."


He was a fan. Worst thing is he wasn't a fan of me. He thought he was, but he was a fan of what Patience had created. See...back in high school, I was the skinny geek. It wasn't until Patience beefed me up with these steroids she got from a hook up in Idaho that I gained muscle and became a track star. Who the hell but Patience Crane had hook ups in Idaho...for steroids!

"I gave that up," I said, all of a sudden not feeling so excited. It wasn't him...hell he was exciting. It just seemed like he was somehow just falling into Patience's puzzle like everyone else was. He was just another puppet, influenced by her schemes.

"Oh wow..." he said, "Why? I mean...you still look like you run."

He looked me up and down. I didn't know what he was seeing. Sure I still was a little cut, but I definitely wasn't cut like I used to be. I was losing all that and I felt good about it. I was stick of poisoning my body. I didn't need track. I had academics. I was so glad that I didn't have to poke myself with those needles anymore.

I shook my head, "It just wasn't my thing. Do you still run?"

"Yeah, but...He leaned down and rolled up the sweat pants he was wearing. As

he lifted them I could see his muscled leg had a bandage around it.

"Aww, man, is it serious?" I asked.

Amir just shrugged, "Who knows how serious it is? The doctors say I should take a year off and hopefully by next year, I could be back to running and shit. You know. Damn nigga, I really fucked this leg up. I need my scholarship. Real talk. Without that athletics scholarships, my ass is going to be right back in the projects."

His talk had this New York accent to it. It was sexy as hell. Before we got on this ship, I was sure I had never noticed him. I got real focused when I used to run track. I probably didn't remember any of those guys I raced.

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