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There was no one there as I had opened my eyes. It was the best day of my life. I'd never forget my 20th birthday. I'd never forget having him all over me. The taste of his mouth...the softness as his tongue as it wrapped around mine.

We hadn't made love the day before...but him holding me and kissing me under the moonlight of Rome felt better than any sexy...ever.

We hardly spoke that night. Words weren't necessary.

We both knew what emotion was without even speaking.

Then there was his gift.

He had given me my own star.

He had given me the parchment which he had gotten while he was in Rome at the International Star Registry. He'd bought me a star and gave me the coordinates. We took our carriage ride all the way to the building where we looked through a telescope about the size of an entire room. They had been expecting us. They had dinner laid out for us and everything at this picnic right on the hilltop.

He showed me my star and said it would always be mine. He named it Chauncey. It was something that no one could have ever imagined. I never thought I would deserve someone to go all out for me like this.

I didn't know how I could repay him. He'd given me my own star. He'd gone through so much for me. If this wasn't the love of my life...then it didn't exist.

And I woke up alone.

He went back to taking care of his 'responsibility' as a soon-to-be father and I went back to my lonely life. I had his scent all over my clothes and I bathed in it till I fell asleep, wishing that it was actually him.

There was a knock on the door right after I got out of my shower.

I was still in a somewhat state of bliss as I walked to the door. I had been on a boat for almost 5 months now and this was the first time I felt like I was really drifting. Yesterday had honestly seemed like something of a dream.

Vince was at the door. Even his angry looking face and pissed off expression couldn't take away the high that had come over me.

"Morning to you to," I said, noticing how he was staring at me.

"Where did you go last night?" he questioned me.

I ignored him as I pulled out my clothes to get dressed. I had a feeling he would come at me with this after what I pulled yesterday by talking to Ethan. He was upset about Ethan and it wasn't hard to see.

"I was out."

"With Ethan?"

"No not with your brother. I mean we walked around the block, but that was it. I didn't go out with him."

"Why you have to lie? Chauncey, I know you...you are up to something."

Damn...he was suspicious as hell. I knew that he wasn't really going to just up and leave it alone. Vince was following me around the room, trying to block off my vision in anyway possible.

It was going to get impossible to ignore him.

"Ok...fine. I went out with Amir."


"Yea, Amir. He took me out for my birthday."

"You left me to go out with Amir? How could you leave one thing and just jump into something else...with AMIR?"

He grabbed onto me hard. I knew Vince wouldn't hurt me, but his grip did hurt a little bit. He was shaking me like I was pinball machine or something.

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