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"What did you just say?" Amir asked.

I looked at Patience. She had just said it wasn't her child. The shock sent waves to both of us. Patience wasn't lying. It was hard to tell with Patience, but something about the way she taunted said she wasn't lying.

"You heard me."

"It is his child, Patience. What are you talking about?" I told her. I wanted to support him in any possible.

"Did you think that was all I would do to you is bring your baby's mother here, after you poisoned my brother. He was once easily controlled and you turned him into a rebel." She stated.

Amir had changed me. Falling in love with him had opened my eyes to so many possibilities.

"What do you mean that is not my child?"

Patience took a step forward. She looked like she was going to walk right into him. She looked like she was going to crash.

"You ready?" she said, "I paid her. I paid her to pretend that you were the father. She was all for it surprisingly. I found out one of your exes were pregnant through a little research and it was just the perfect fit. I couldn't resist.

Amir slapped her. I was shocked when he did. Her henchmen came out of no where and subdued him immediately but he got the slap through. I could see Patience face jerk backwards.

She deserved it. She started to stumble. It had been the first time someone hit Patience. I knew it as well as she did. I wanted to laugh. This bitch deserved all that and possibly more.

"Let him go Patience," I stated.

Patience got back to her feet, regaining her stance, "Fine...but only so he can find out for himself. I'm shady darling. My shade is ever lasting and eternal. You'll never beat me."

Her African henchmen let Amir go.

We walked out together, hailing a cab and racing back to the boat. I watched his silence as we rode in the backseat of a car together. He raised his eyebrows worrying. I could see the confusion in his eyes.

"She's lying isn't she?" He asked me, "Right baby? She's lying."

I looked at him. He was crying. There was so much pain underneath it all. I knew how he was excited about this child. It was the only thing he was ever that excited for.

"I think so..." I said.

I didn't think so however. A part of me wished to God that Patience was lying. I didn't know how Amir could take it if he wasn't the father of Felicia'a baby. He'd spent so long trying to get ready to be a good father. I knew Amir had spent so much money just preparing for the baby's arrival.

He spent the rest of the ride telling me what he'd done. How much he wanted to be a father. He'd already bought Felicia's plane ticket back to America which was over a thousand dollars. He had hired a nanny, ordered a crib and even rented a small apartment close to his own so he could still keep an eye on his little siblings.

The news that he wasn't the father would crush him.

I waited in the waiting room. Amir was the only one allowed in. I wasn't alone. I was blessed to have Pony, Kim and even Desmond sitting there with me. I hadn't told Pony about how I brought Amir to the party. I figured the news I told them about the fact that Amir may not be the father was enough bad news for the day.

It wasn't until 3 a.m that the baby was born. Amir walked out half an hour later. He had his arms crossed. He almost looked like a ghost.

"The baby's healthy," he explained to us, "I talked to Felicia. Patience was right...he's not mine."

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