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Several Months Later

I never knew how 2nd nature it was for me to seduce someone. I sat in the movie with my eyes focused on Patience as she got up to get some popcorn. As soon as she got up my hand crept over to Ethan's hands.

I drew patterns with my finger in his palm. A sexy smile stretched all over his face. He bit hard on his bottom lip and then he began to suck on long and hard, his eyes closing in ecstasy to just a simple touch.

After the movie things only got worse.

"What kind of drawers are you wearing?" he whispered to me as we walked Patience off the boat and into Rome.

"I don't have any."

He didn't believe me. I knew he wouldn't. Ethan even had the audacity to try and reach down my pants and find out while his girlfriend wasn't paying attention. He had actually gone far enough to realize it, before I got the chance to pull away.

Then we got to the museum.

We were supposed to be meeting Mya at the museum. I wasn't excited to see Mya at all. I could see her dislike for me every time she stared. Sometimes it was easy to ignore, but sometimes it just bothered me.

"I want to see Rennaissance Paintings first," Patience instructed.

None of us conflicted with what she wanted. She was Patience and she was boss. I doubted her boyfriend even cared though. His eyes were stuck on me like glue.

"I need to find the bathroom," I stated, finding a reason to avoid being around Mia that day.

"I saw it...it's back here," Ethan said, his sneaky suggestive eyes following me.

He led me away and we left the ladies alone together. It didn't bother me at all to be away from Mia for a while.

As soon as we got into the bathroom, Ethan gripped me up to give me hug, but I backed away. The museum bathroom was like most other museum bathrooms I'd been to. They were empty and clean as hell. It was almost like you could eat in here or something. I went into the mirror. It was hard to keep dodging him. His arms were big but he was also fast.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was always attractive, but nothing jawdroppping like Amir. I would be the first to say Amir was more attractive than I was.

I didn't know what it was that attracted Ethan to me.

"Damn, you are so sexy," he stated, "Why didn't I notice this earlier?"

It was a change he had made. He had gone from being a complete ass to me to being damn near obsessive. I needed to get more out of him.

"How is the wedding going?" I asked him, "Isn't Patience planning it?"

He rolled his eyes.

I could tell he didn't want to think about the wedding now.

"She is doing everything. You know how your sister is."
"Oh really, you know its sad you guys are getting married..."


"No nevermind."

I turned around back to the mirror. I could see him watching me. His eyes were so thirsty still. He came up behind me.

His body was warm. It rubbed against me. His presence was so strong and so powerful. It defined Ethan in so many ways.

"What were you going to say?"

I turned around again, this time to face him. He was so close that it was nearly difficult. As I turned around I felt my ass sliding up against the sink.

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