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Yet another week had passed. Everyone seemed to be loving Spain, except me. To me...Spain was Amir, just like Africa was Amir. I was enthralled in everything Amir. As the days went by, I could see my grades dropping. They weren't dramatic drops. Some people would have still killed to make the grades that I was making. However, they weren't perfect. I had become...less than perfect, but Amir made me feel like it was fine.

"You have to live..." he told me.

"I'm scared."

"You only live once. What you want to go study or something? Stop being a goody-two-shoes, boy. Live a little! Come on..."

The bungee chord was spread across the bridge. The guy looked at us and gave us a thumbs up to jump whenever we wanted to. Amir had his arms wrapped around me in a gentle way, but I was clutching to him as though clutching for dear life.

Why the hell was I about to bungee jump on some backroad bridge with Amir in Spain?

It had started on a Friday. School was out and everyone was going out. That was when Kim had knocked on my door. She was the only one who was really comfortable coming to my floor because she was in good standing with Patience. When she led me downstairs, I felt pleasure and pain. Amir was with her. I was excited to see him. He wasn't the only one with her though. I didn't mind seeing Jr. and Pony for that matter. However, THAT wasn't even it. I recognized Desmond and Felicia with them as well.

Who invited them? I hated the idea that those two had to come with us. Desmond and I still hadn't spoken since our little run in. He hadn't said anything negative though and I was fine with that. Felicia seemed like she was always around, smiling and being sweet. Everyone had immediately liked her. She had this heavy accent that I really hadn't caught the first couple time I spoke to her. She was definitely Spanish and even though she seemed sweet as candy, I still didn't trust her and I think she knew it.

Pony had made his way up to me, "Chauncey...you need to come with us..."

Jr. jumped in before he could finish, "He's not going to want to come with us. He's a rich boy. He has too much to live for."

"No...he's down though. He's down for everything. He's going to want to go," Amir argued.

That was how I got invited on the bungee jumping trip.

"Please, baby," I explained, "I don't think I want to go."

Amir had me doing things that I never ever dreamed of doing. Patience would have killed me, reincarnated me and killed me again if she knew I was jumping off of a bridge.

The others were on the other side of the bridge. They were shouting, but they were so far that I could barely hear them. They were all cheering us on...all except Desmond. He just looked real annoyed about the situation. Even America's sweetheart Felicia seemed excited about us. I hated her seeming all smiley. It was fucking annoying and I wished she'd stopped it.

"You have to learn to trust me," Amir explained, his slanted eyes looking at me with this immediate intensity, "You have to learn to live."

"I do...it's just."

I looked down. The water was so far away. I couldn't imagine how hard it would feel to smack into the water. I was a bad swimmer. Almost everything was making me nervous, from the cheers of everyone on the other side of the bridge, to the cold chilly Spanish wind, to the way the bungee guy kept putting his thumb up for us to jump off.

Almost everything was making me nervous but Amir.

"I got you baby."

"You sure?"

Semester at Seas BxB (Staten Krown)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon