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Vince had just told me my life was on the line. He had told me that Patience could have figured out my secret. It was the secret that I'd been hiding from her for all this time. She was the main person who could have known and she had cassettes with me confessing my love for my lover.

He had told me all this and the only think I could think about was...Amir.

"Damn..." I told him and turned to Vince, "I'll have to think about something we can do...I'll deal with it in the morning."

He seemed weird as he stood next to me near the door. The girls had gone back to their rooms to reorder their things, but Ethan was still there picking up his fiancée's valuables. Ethan gave us a suspicious look that made Vince come closer to me so that he could whisper his words in security that Ethan definitely wasn't hearing us.

"In the morning?" he asked, "You might not have until the morning. Let me in, we'll figure out something...together."

He stressed the words together. I noticed it and he had noticed it too. Ethan was always there for me. Sometimes when he spoke to me I did feel something...it was something deeper then just friendship, but I couldn't give up my faith. It seemed FATE itself said that I needed to know what was going on with Amir.

"Yeah...she won't do that."

I didn't know who I was trying to convince, Ethan or myself. I didn't have time to deal with this right now...Amir liked me. HE LIKED ME. That was all that mattered. It was the greatest feeling ever.

He seemed so unsure, "Chauncey..."

"Everything will be fine."

Maybe it was about time that Patience found out about me. I mean...what could she do to me? She couldn't have me kidnapped...I was her little brother. She was powerless...wasn't she?

I walked into my door and watched Ethan's eyes one last time. There was this sense of longing for me as I closed the door behind him. The longing had always been there since I found out he had feelings for me, but it seemed now it was getting stronger. I could feel the essence of longing all over him. It was kind of strange.

I closed the door and locked it behind me.

I took a deep breath...my plan had worked. I'd been around these people long enough to know how to trick them a time or two. Their perfection was also their weakness. They all figured after all this time I would just be as perfect as them.

No...no more...I was growing. I was being...bad.

"Is it safe?" I heard a voice whisper.

I made my way to the bed and sat on it, "Yeah...come on out."

I watched as Jr. was the first to get out from underneath the bed. He looked out the peephole and suspected it carefully.

"They are out there...damn..."
"They are probably going to be on their guard for the rest of the night," I explained to him, "It would be real weird if someone heard the elevator stop on the floor this time."

The elevator always made this loud ass ding that announced it stopping at the floor. There were stairs, but they were on the other side of the damn floor. They'd have to cross everyone's room to get there.

"We'll just crash here tonight," Amir said as he walked out, sexy as though it was the first time I'd ever seen him, "If that's ok with you."


Damn it was more than ok if he crashed here. I looked at Jr. Honestly I didn't want him to be there. Jr. was cool and everything but I really just wanted Amir to stay the night. I would have told him about the staircase and asked if he wanted to risk it, but I felt like Amir would probably go with him...which was horrible.

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