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I was in complete disbelief.

Amir was serious. He wasn't joking or trying to pull a fast one on me. He wasn't trying to compliment me or make me feel good. He had seriously said what I just thought he said.

He repeated himself as a matter of act, "I had a dream about my lover. I prayed I would find who the person was. The person was you. I had been so upset that it was a GUY that I spent a lot of time chasing girls...trying to shake the idea...but I couldn't."


He shook his head and smiled. Then there was a little snicker. It was nervous laughter. I thought I was the only one who still laughed when they were real nervous.

"Yeah...bro...I mean, yeah," he said.

All of a sudden it sounded awkward for him to call me "bro" anymore, especially after we had kissed. I knew he noticed it because he fixed what he said.

"Listen," I explained, "Maybe it was just a dream."

He shook his head. This whole thing was so awkward.

"Did you ever feel...some way when you first met me? I mean were you excited. I was excited when I first met you. Did you feel the same way?"

I had to admit it, "Like I told you before, I'm gay and I mean, you're you so of course..."

"No I meant more then physical."

I couldn't lie. I didn't believe in love at first sight until I saw him. I was reliving the first moments that I saw him. He was something special. I knew for sure that he was going to play a major part in my life.


He sounded excited, "See! Like...I know what gay is...and I know what bisexual is. I CAN'T be both. I get pussy...I mean I get a lot of..."

"I get the point," I said suddenly feeling a tweak of jealousy. He didn't have to shove it in my face that he was something of a Casanova of our time. He was straight and that was obvious.

"I'm sorry," he said looking down, "So how come I kissed you? How come you were the one behind the door in my dream? I know you're not a girl and I know I'm not attracted to guys."

"Are you attracted to me?" I asked.

He looked at me up and down. I could see his eyes scanning over me in this real delicate and slow way. I felt almost like I was naked in front of him. He seemed to scan every part of my body. Then I watched as he did his signature move. He licked his lips fully and before he even spoke I knew what it was.


He was scared to say it.

"It's cool. You don't have to answer now," I expressed to him, "I don't know how to answer your question though. This is as weird as it is to me. I love Moonlight Sonata. I had no idea that was the song you were dreaming about. I mean, you never had thoughts about being with a guy? Are you sure?"

"I'm very positive," he said with all the confidence in the world.

"Not even once?"

It wasn't the fact that I thought he was gay. I just always thought that people had thoughts about how it would be like if they were with a guy. I thought it was natural. I thought it was natural even for manly Amir, standing here with muscles piercing through his wife beater.

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