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"Chauncey please open the door! Open up!"

I'd locked myself in the bathroom. It was Amir out there. I had heard Kim, Pony and Desmond around as well. They had all taken turns trying to get me to open up the bathroom door but I refused. It was impossible to get left alone with them.

I guess that meant they were true friends, but right now I felt like I really couldn't trust anyone. How could I even begin to start trusting again? These were strangers really...the person that I knew was Vince...yet he was the one who had been betraying me this entire time.

I should have known.

There were clues. The way he was the only technical one and the whole watch trick they played. Or even the way he went out of his way to say he disproved of Patience but never once slightly budged from her shadow.

"Chauncey, please open up."

I heard Amir's voice. He was trying to sound soft and gentle and yet had this tone of panic in him. I'd never been like this. They all knew I was the levelheaded one. I was the one who was always helping to cool someone down.

I went closer to the door myself, "Please go away."

"Chauncey you know I can't do that. Just tell me what's the matter? What the fuck...I mean...what's going on?"

He was getting worked up. I could hear it in his voice. I just wanted to rewind time. All that trust I put in Vince. It wouldn't have hurt so much if I had just been a little...less trusting. Why did I have to believe he really cared about me? Why was this ripping my heart out?

"Please Amir...go away."

I didn't want to be bothered with any of these so-called friends. Whose to know when the next time was going to come around and Patience would have got to another one of them. I couldn't bare this pain again.

Amir banged hard on the door, "What the fuck! Open the fucking door!"

"Amir!" Kim screamed at him.

"Shut up!" he shouted at her and then started to knock on the door this time a little bit harder, "Just open the door Chauncey."

"Go away!"

I leaned up against the glass shower door. The bathroom had always been so huge. I could stay in here for a while without being uncomfortable. I had even hidden some snacks away just in case I wanted a light snack while taking a long bath.

"If you don't open this door right now, I'm going to knock it down!" Amir stated, fiercely and I put my hands over my head because I believed he would.

"Threatening to knock it down won't help the situation," Kim stated.

"Why do you always have to interfere? That is MY boyfriend in there."
"Well that's my friend and he obviously going through something and he needs someone calm to bring whatever it is out of him. Not a rampaging lunatic!"
"You don't understand. What the hell do you know?"

They were arguing now because of me. A part of me wanted to just open the door to settle things down, but then a part of me just wanted to be left alone. It was so hard to have faith in mankind at this time.

"Amir, maybe you should let Kim try for a while," Pony stated.

"She can't help!"


"Alright whatever. Just bring my baby out or I'm knocking that door down," Amir stated, with emphasis.

I wonder if they knew I could hear them as well as I could. There were vents that connected into the bathroom making their voices crispy clear. I heard steps who had to be Kim approaching the bathroom door. She let on a soft knock on the door.

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