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"I'll do whatever it takes."

I was serious. I would do whatever it would take to make things right. I had to make sure one and for all that Patience didn't hurt anyone else. I was her brother. I was the only one who could get anywhere close enough to do what needed to be done.

I could tell Amir didn't approve. He gave me this weird look when I had agreed to seduce Ethan, if necessary. He was surprised that I would agree to it so willingly. I knew he was even before I had opened my mourth.

"Now Amir, this is for the better good," Pony defended me. I guess he picked up on Amir's face too.

"Better good? How the hell is this for the better good? You want to turn Chauncey into a male whore or something."

"No one said to sleep with Ethan."

Amir looked over at us, "Man, he already did that!"

"I wasn't in my right mind," I told Amir, feeling he was defensive, "That was because of Patience too. Don't you understand how necessary it is."

Amir face wrinkled up, "Yes, I do...you think I didn't realize she tracked Felicia down? I mean honestly, it was my responsibility but she made sure to bring Felicia here. My entire future has been put on hold for this child. Everything."

He looked like he was going to break down but he didn't. Amir was a very passionate person, but the masculinity in him seemed to not cause us to break away.

Pony put his hand on Amir's shoulder.

"This is exactly why we have to do this. She needs to understand that no one is going to just sit back and take her abuse. We are at war here."
I agreed with Pony, "She'll think twice next time she does it to us or anyone else for that matter. It'll be worth it."

"Not if it means to have you all over him. What the hell is that about?"

Amir was pissed. Hell, he really was upset. I could imagine myself in his position. I would be just as upset if someone I cared about had to "seduce" someone else. The uncertainty of what was happening would probably kill me.

This wasn't about my decision though.

Patience had attacked all of us one way or another.

It was for all of us.

"Amir...I understand your concern," I explained, crossing my arms, "But I'm not asking for permission."

He looked at me a little upset.

"Are you seriously going to whore yourself around?" he asked, "What does seduce mean? To have him leave his fiancée it has to be something serious. You aren't like that Chauncey...I know you. Are you really going to do this?"

I didn't answer.

He shook his head and he walked out. Damn...it hurt to see him walking away. He didn't look back, he just walked, with this show of disgust all over.

Damn, why did we have to fight like this? I loved him and I knew he loved me. Why were we bickering like this instead of trying to make things better?

I walked over towards him, but I felt Pony's hand pulling me back.

"I'll deal with him another time," Pony explained.

"I don't want him to be upset with me," I explained.

"You are doing this for him. You are doing this for yourself. You are doing this for Jr. He is screwed because he didn't fit your sister's 'standards'. You are doing this for Kim. She is bedded in a hospital because of who she chose to be friends with and who she chose to love. "

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