Too close to comfort Chapter 5

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Tuesday has arrived back to work again and even better today kathy is bringing her daughter to work she's a few years older than me but she says well get on well so hopefully

Today we have a wedding we have 15 hair to b done that's y kathy daughter coming in to help and I'll be helping a bit to kathy a bit under pressure with all the hairs to b done and one of her hairdresser has called in sick and another has gone on maternity leave and she hasn't had time to call in a replacement

Before we open kathy and I we talking and she was saying that she doesn't get to c much of her daughter she has two one of them live in bolton and the other around London ones 21 and another's 19 my age she's always taking about them she misses her loads I can tell she's all excited coz her daughters back home for a few weeks to help her with the business so cute

9am we open and a blushing bride her bridesmaids flower girls mother and mother in law and friend fled In The door all excited ready for there big day again all the hairs have finished and a bottle of bubbly has been cracked open and down the hatch it 12:30 again they all leave I sit down at my desk to eat my lunch and freeze there he his my "stalker" from Sunday wat do I do I go with the 'keep cool and act normal' act even tho I was panicking inside to my rescue kathy comes out from the tea room..... It was safe to say I was having trouble breathing as the colour drained off if my face.

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