Praying and hoping chapter 17

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Danny's P.O.V

the nurse came in and called me out I followed her down the hall to find 2 small cots with two very tiny babies in them she said that they had to do a section and that the boy was 2lb 4oz and the girl was jst 2lb she said when they get stronger she would bring the round to the room we wer in she left me with my kids

Small tiny bodies with big tubs coming out of them I stayed there for a while and let the nurses feed them while I made my way back to laura when I walked into the room there stood harry and dougie mam and vicky to and gi all with worried looks on there faces I went in and told them wat had happen mam was In shock that she was a nanny I than said that the nurse told me all 3 of them had a long road ahead of them it was nice to know I had supportive friends and family

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