Making music chapter 14

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It was a few days after we had arrived and we wer so happy to b here with them they changed there hours so they got up early went to the studio recorded and wer back at the house by 3 ish to chill

The album was nearly finished they just needed to add the last few pieces together and get a cover pic and a name oh yes.... a name 4 lads together in a house for 10 weeks and they still can't come up with a name it was wrecking there brains but all we could do was laugh

It was coming to the time where gi and I had to go home neither of us wanted to we'd do anything in the world to stay put I can't leave vickey with the dogs forever

While over in Mexico I rang London hospital to postpone our 3 month baby scan as danny would b home and I was not going without him this would tell us for sure how many and what sex I was hoping for girls while danny was hoping for boys

When we wer there tom and gi kept getting calls from family and friends but kept missing them they knew some thing was up and when they rang home to find out what all the fuss was about they wer headlining every magazine website saying that they had broken up coz the press didn't no that they wer staying extra long and gi and I jst disappeared al the beginning it didn't get to them as much but it was putting gi down a lot and it was coming closer to the day we had to leave and neither of us wer looking forward to landing back on English ground again with all the rumours going around it would be fun.....NOT!!!

The day had come we had to leave but it wasn't so bad the time for the boys was cut short coz they wer nearly done they wer only staying an extra few days to listen to the album and make the final twerks with it we wer driven to the airport said goodbye to the boys and got on the plain when we reached England the press must have known as the airport was full of them asking 100s of questions to all of us we jst walked past them not wanting to know

We got home to find all of Gi's family Debbie carrie and bob waiting for her to come home her brother mario had brought all of the mags that had tom and gi in it she read through most if them and she couldn't believe the horrible thing that wer being said about her the one that upset her the most was the headline "baby bump growing bigger but no baby after 9 months" she couldn't believe how some people could b so mean I left Gi's house giving her time to spend with her family and went home to Ralph Bruce and vicky who was staying with me for a while when I got in she made me a cup of tea and we sat down for a chat

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