Does he feel the same? Chapter 7

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In the beginning when I thought he was a horrible stalker who mad me freeze anytime I seen him I have come a long way since then.....A VERY LONG WAY!!!

danny and I have become good friends I go to his concerts and he comes to c he at work with a drink every Saturday night life was good I had a full time job my music Career was starting to take off and I had loads of friends

I fell harder and harder in love with danny bit I never showed it we had come a long ways since when I first met him and I didn't want to ruin our friend ship

One morning I was at work a a woman in the neighbourhood came into get her hair done she was sitting there waiting for kathy when I looked up to see my worst night mare ME AND DANNY ON THE FROUT COVER I had never been in a newspaper before but this was different we wer together on the cover of bolton no1 selling paper I was only in the town a few months as I went up to ask her to c it I seen the headline and froze "knocked up and not happy" how could I face the world now that everyone things I'm preggers and with danny who has jst came out of a very serious relationship with his cheating girlfriend this was not good

Wat was kathy going to say wat was mam and dad going to say how will vicky react WAT WAS DANNY GOING TO SAY I was terrified I rang danny but his fone rang out I thought he was mad at me edit the rest of the day at work kathy didn't say anything to me

It was 1 o click and I went out for lunch but I went home first to cry of all the horrible things that em everyone was saying about me I tried danny one more time and he picked up he answered with "hey u ok wats up" he obviously didn't see the papers I asked "dan where r u will u come to mine ASAP" less than 5 mins later there was a knock on the door I opened the door with big red rings around my eyes to find danny standing look confused he came in and sat down I told him wat the papers had said

He was taken back in shock he asked "well r u" I replied "no how can I be wer jst friends nothing happened.... right" right he came over to my side of the couch and says "everything will work out in the end trust me" this was going to b hard when all of Bolton thought I was knocked up.....

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