Days later...

60 5 0

A few days past nothing has changed Laura was still lying in bed motionless she lasted through the night she was Oblivious to wat has been going on the doctors are saying she just holding on they are still trying to push for funeral arrangements for Laura and David but I keep putting them off she's not dead she'll pull through I no it but the chances are getting smaller each day but I have faith

People come and go but I never move only to go and c Aimee upstairs I'm hoping things will pick up the tour was put on hold until we get back on our feet but no one knows when that is gi is getting bigger and bigger she's due any day now I keep telling her to go home and rest but she won't hear of it she hasn't left her best friends side and neither has Ailish Nicole flights over when she can but it's not for long as she has too work

Minutes hours days run into one another and nothing changes nurses come in and out tom harry and dougie go up and down to the canteen for tea coffee and sandwiches but I never leave I can't leave her now not like this not when she's so unstable I just can't

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