Heading to london Chapter 8

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News spread quickly of me and danny even tho it wasn't through it was is every news paper ever magazine and every fan was a king if it was through

So we said we take a break and head down to mcfly flat in London we don't think anyone knew about it down there I was looking forward to the break

We were on the train heading down to London and we both fell asleep I fell asleep on danny shoulder and he fell asleep on my head when we woke up we started talking and then he came out with it "maybe we should get together and show them how strong we are, I really like u we should make more of our friendship and make it into something more" I replied "yes I was think the same thing I really like u danny from the minute I got to know u I fell in love with u"

And from there on we wer officially boyfriend and girlfriend I couldn't believe it myself we traveled to London and we met up with the boys it was just what we needed a break away from all the stress while danny was writing music I went shopping when I came across a job I've wanted to do all my life but never told anyone yes a model this small modelling agency was looking for part time models so I applied for it hoping for the best to move out of Bolton and down to London

Fingers crossed I would get an interview 👍

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