A few years later chapter 9

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As I came out of our bathroom danny was nervously sitting on the bed he look up at me both of us with the same face on "well" he says clearing his throat "it's positive....im pregnant" I replied don't get me wrong we both delighted that we have a baby on the way it jst could have come at such a worse time

Mcfly wer heading to Mexico for 4 months to write there sixth album and I had photo shoots all lined up as it was coming into the summer months what wer we going to do we still didn't tell our family's about the engagement let alone a baby in the way we did what we do when we don't no what to do walk down the road to tom and gi they aways no what to do

So we went down and tom and gi were home they wer sitting there waiting for us to call in we rang the door bell and tom new something was up by the tone of Danny's voice on the fone we came in a sat down we told them everything both of them sat back in shock they didn't no what to do in the end we decided that we'd go home to Ireland tell mam and dad the news go to the hospital over there for a scan and come back and tell vix and kathy it was the right thing to do before the press found out and that is what we did

~the next day~

After booking our flights with tom and gi we heading for the airport we got on the first flight to Dublin and off we went both of us fell asleep the min we started flying we landed grabbed our bags and got a taxi back to my place when the taxi pulled up at the house danny paid while I rang the door bell mam answered the door she had a worried look on her face she was hiding some thing I could tell looks like I'm not the only one with a secret...

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