Dealing with it

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Danny's P.O.V

Days later everything was working out well laura was back on the mend she was doing really well she was getting discharged from hospital I had told her about what happened to David and how bad Aimee is she's gutted she's bearly talking but we hoped Aimee would pull out of it but by the look of her it wasn't going to happen anytime soon

There we stood by Aimee's cot looking at her frail little body slowly moving up and down it was killing us both years were streaming down her face we were hoping against all hope that she was going to live

In the accident she was bashed and bruised she was bearly breathing on her own there was always a nurse with her it was to dangerous to leave her on her own we said our good byes and left for home to get freshened up and then back to the hospital

When we arrived home our electric gate was covered in roses flowers and messages it was heart warming when we walked inside the phone rang I answered it it was the funeral home

"Hi danny it's peter can I talk to u for a bit"

"Hi Peter yea course what's wrong"

"It's good news to hear about laura but David is laying here and I think it's time to start making plans don't u I can't keep him here forever u no"

"Ino thanks peter I'll talk to laura"

"Ok get back to be soon tho bye"

And with that thought I hung up the phone and put it on the side board table and buried my head in my hands then I felt these warm arms being wrapped around my body I turned around and laura was cuddling into me she whispered "everything will work out don't worry" I smiled and hugged her back

That evening we went back to the hospital to collect Aimee she had past away that afternoon when we left they had turned off the machines trust me we were both devastated to think that we'd lost our family of 4 and we were back down to a family of two this was truly heartbreaking

But we could get thought it and it was going to have to be ok

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