Bolton bound

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After getting off the bus at the satiation I landed myself at the top of the Main Street. Walking along the roads twisting and turning down little cobble street I arrived at Kathy and Stevens home place. It was nice to be in the comfort of a loving home knowing I was going to be looked after. I rang the doorbell and Kathy arrived at the door full if smilies she had an idea that I would b up now that Danny had left. It was quite awkward in the beginning coz Danny would normally start the conversation. But as he's not here it was up to me to get 'comfortable' with Steve and Kathy. After breaking the ice we started to talk about the accident when it was brought up in conversation tears started to well in Kathy and my eyes. This was the first time id ever talked about it in full. It was quite hard but I delt with it quite well. Spending hours talking and catching up I went up to Danny's room and rang him to see how he was we talked for the guys of 3 hours even though I'd only seen him less the 8 hours ago he made me laugh and cry! every time I talk to him he reminds me why I fell in love with him and as we keep taking I fall in to a trance of falling deeper and deeper in love, he made everything seem ok. I hung up and went to bed with a smile on my face looking forward to tomorrow as vicky was coming up! and realising how lucky I was to have a man like Danny in my life.

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