No one could believe it Chapter 10

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We walked into the house it felt empty.... no-one was really happy or excited to c us but the weird thing was I haven't seen them in 9-11 months and they didn't even crack a smile something was up and I had to find out what

Danny and I sat on the couch hand in hand but didn't dpes a word about our news I wanted to know what had happened and by the look of it it wasn't good news

I wasn't holding back so I asked "wats up with everyone what happen we have a right to know" mam and dad both looked at each other and back at danny and I them mam started to speak "we just wernt expecting u" I new that but something else was up "I get u didn't know I was coming but some is up so what is it" mum answered "well we have some other news wer moving to America....all of us" "wait wat do u mean all of us" I asked getting frustrated "everyone all auntie uncles cousins everyone wer strutting up life in America" I sat there in shock "y didn't u jst tell me and when are u going" dad answered "wer going in the morning and we thought life was better without u u seem happy over there" right I thought to myself my parents jst told me there moving to America and that their life was better without me gee thanks

I looked at danny and he looked at me I shook my head and I said "right so I guess this is goodbye and ill c u when u decide to call and c of I'm still alive" I defo wasn't going to tell them now that they all kept this big secret from me we got up and left but mam ran after us her nose was at he she wanted to know y we wer here she grabbed my arm and asked me angrily y we were here at this stage I was a mess with everything that was happening so I turned around and jst blurted it out "I'm pregnant and engaged that is y we came here to tell u so u wouldn't read it in the papers or hear it on the news but I guess u will never come to my wedding of meet ur grand child as ur moving ur life half way across the would and wernt going to tell me so don't even bother try to b all sympathetic coz I don't want u or ur sympathy the same way u don't want me" so I ran up to my old room packed up everything I owned and danny carried them to the car tears wer streaming down my face he packed the bags and I stormed out the door slamming it behind me only realising that was prob going to b the last time I c my family in along time but danny comforted me and said "u don't need them my family can b ur family the love u like ur there daughter anyways everything will work out for the best" he kissed me and then drive out the drive way

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