Chapter 27

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Danny's P.O.V

I ran down the hall and came to room 364 it was the icu that when I started to panic I opened the door and there she was lying there in the bed tubes and monitors all around her it didn't ever look like she was breathing there was a nurse the other side of the room I went up and asked wat happened she explained "they wer in a serious car accident at the moment nothing is looking good the twins are in the kids ward up stairs in icu one is stable the other isn't doing do well at the moment Laura is stable but the doctors don't think she'll last the night if I Wer u id start preparing urself for the worst"

I sat there frozen to my seat not able to deal with wat she just said it was very hard to go through all this again but this time they don't think she was going to live I walked out of the room and told gi and Ailish to go in and sit with her while I go to the twins I walked out to reception there was tommy waiting to hear the news I didn't speak I just gave him a hand sign to follow me we went up to the top floor the the children's ward there was my two little babies tiny in cots blue in the face all cuts and bruises I walked into the room and broke down I was bearly able to breath I was crying on tommys shoulder I told him everything in between sobs he took my fone and rang mam and vicky and fletch telling them wat had happened I had to leave I couldn't bear to look at how much pain they wer in a I was leaving there was a loud and long beeeeeep I turned around and was pushed to the side by nurses and doctors racing toward David they rushed him out of the room and down the hall I tried running after him but the doctor stopped me and said "son let us do our jobs" we left and went back down stairs to find tom harry dougie izzy mam Steve vicky fletch and rich all standing there anxiously waiting for me when I turned around they all gasped my eyes wer red and puffy and blood shot tommy went over and told they wat happened I just kept walking the thought the doors not even saying a word my whole world has come crashing down in the matter of seconds and I couldn't put it into words

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