It shocked us all

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I stayed up all night never leaving her side I didn't sleep I sat by her side holding her hand hoping for a Mericle watching and waiting waiting and watching tears streaming down my face knowing that this was going to be the last night id ever spend with the love of my life

While on the other side of the ward tom and gi welcomed a beautiful baby boy they didn't know wat was going on with us no one knew I didn't have the guys to phone anyone or tell them until tom came in with a big smile on his face to come in and tell me the good news tears Wer streaming down his fave happy tears of course then I told him I had to tell him I could see it in his eyes he was devastated to be honest it was the last thing I wanted to do on one of the best days of his life it was coming up to 6 o'clock and tom had phoned mam Vicky dougie and harry they all arrived at once all flustered on wat was about to happen 6 hours later gi requested to be put in the bed next to Laura so her and tom could be there for her last moments on earth

Time drew closer it was now 11:30 we had 30 mins left we Wer all in tears including the new born but he was hungry but he was still crying nurses and doctors Wer coming in and out some went out looking worried others went out with a smile no one knew wat was going on

Time drew closer it was now 11:45 the room was silent the baby was asleep we were all crying silent tears with a few sobs every so often no one could look up everyone had there heads buried in there hands when there was an almighty loud scream it sound like some one gasping for a breath of air all our heads snapped up at the same time to see wat. Happen we gasped she was alive she had taken her first breath of air in 11 days she was going to be ok...

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