Chapter 3

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Last night Dakota and I ended up texting for hours, i learned that he's in the bail bonds business with his whole family. He's 19, he has a little brother and sister and he's been working with his family ever since he graduated.

Today we are hanging out, he wouldn't tell me where we are going just to bring a swimsuit and dress comfortably, so that's what i did. I decided on high waisted ripped shorts with a white crop top and sandals and my black bikini.

D: Hey Dani I'm on my way 😉
M: haha okay, I'll see you soon
After driving for a while we finally parked and got out, we were at diamond head beach, i haven't been here since i was little so i was excited.

"So what's the plan?" I asked Dakota as we started walking

"Well, i thought we could hang here for a little and then go get food?" He said but it sounded more like a question.

I smiled and nodded letting him know i was down with the idea.
We were in the water most of the time, finally after getting comfortable around each other Dakota was picking me up and throwing me in, i would jump on his back and make him carry me around.

After we went to eat he took me home and i invited him in to meet Jasmine.

"Yo! This is Dakota, Dakota this is my sister Jasmine" i said introducing them.

We went to my room to hang out before he had to leave.

"So i have to work tomorrow but i was thinking maybe the next day you could come around and meet the family, i think they'd really like you." He said while playing with my fingers

"I'd love to but that day is actually my birthday, i was just gonna hang out here with jazz."

"You can come by if you want?" I said more as a question hoping he'd agree

He looked at me almost shocked, " what! You didn't tell me it was almost your birthday?!"

I laughed "i just did"

"Well in that case I'd love to" he said matter-of-factly

I walked him outside to his truck and he kissed me goodbye. Leaving next week is gonna be more difficult than i planned.

The Fugitive's Daughter ( Dakota Chapman)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora