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A/N: okay just really quick this last chapter is a couple years after her and the team arrested her father.

Dani's POV
I felt the warm summer morning sun on my face as I stirred in bed.  Today's the day I thought as I lifted my arms and stretched, as soon as my arms were away from my body I felt a weight on my chest and curls brushing my nose making me want to sneeze.  I quickly wrapped my arms around the body on top of me and kissed his head until he lifted it and smiled at me with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"Good morning mommy!" My baby boy said as he wiggled out of my grip.
"Good morning Keoni" I said smiling at my 3 year old son. 
About a month after the team arrested Tapani i found out i was pregnant; to be completely honest I was hesitant to tell Dakota but his reaction made me regret not telling him the second I found out.  He could not have been happier when I told him the news, and his love for our baby only grew when he found out that his first child was going to be a boy.  This journey with Dakota has not always been the easiest, the last three years have had so many amazing and beautiful times but they did not come without their trials, learning how to be parents, learning how to completely and utterly trust each other, all took patience and I think the one thing that almost broke us was the fight we had when he came home black and blue after a case; I told him that it was time to hang it up because I didn't want to have to tell our children why their father wasn't coming home, but thankfully after talking with the whole family we found our common ground, and now Dakota still gets to do the job he was born for and makes it home for dinner every night.
      Today, as I lay in bed remembering everything that had to happen to get us here i glance at the back of my bedroom door to see the long white dress waiting to be worn this afternoon.  As if on cue the door swings open and all of the girls come rushing in with smiles on their faces and dragging me out of bed.  Cecily came armed with a box full of makeup and Lyssa right behind her with all of the various tools for my hair.  Beth was on the phone with different people making sure everything was perfect and my mom and Jasmine were sitting with me on the bed. We sat in silence for a second and shared a look, it was a knowing look. A look that said, no matter what he did or who he became my dad would be happy for me and that was the last piece I needed to keep my thoughts of not having a father to talk me down the aisle at bay.
    After a good three - almost four hours of everyone getting ready and pictures being taken there was a knock on the door letting us know that it was time. My heart started pounding and mothers intuition kicked in because my mom was at my side in half a second. "Dani, what's wrong!?" She asked trying not to sound panicked. "Who is going to walk me down the aisle!" I almost screamed finally realizing that the position was normally filled by the bride's father. My mom looked down and started to say that we could ask Leland and i mentally slapped myself for not asking her in the first place. "No, i want you to do it, you raised me you're the reason i came to Hawaii all those years ago and met Dakota." She smiled from ear to ear and the next thing you know we were all walking out to the backyard. I watched as everyone got with their partners and the music started to play. Lyssa and Beth walking out first, Cecily and Duane lee, Jasmine and Dakotas best man and finally Me.

Dakota's POV
    The music started playing and my heart started pounding, I can't believe that after everything Dani and i had been through together we were finally getting married, there were so many times that i wanted to ask her but it never felt right, the day our son was born i knew that it was finally the right time, so right there in the hospital room i got down on my knee and asked the love of my life to be mine forever; we knew that we wanted Keoni to be older so we agreed to a long engagement and it was the best idea, and now today as i look out at our family and friends i couldn't be more ready for this next chapter. I looked out to the door as jasmine and Jake, my best man and best friend came walking down the aisle to their respective places, after they were to the alter i looked back and felt like the air was completely stolen from my lungs; at the back door to our home stood the most gorgeous woman in the most beautiful dress and in about 5 minutes she was going to be my wife. My vision got blurry and I realized i was crying, as Daniela grabbed my hand and i helped position her in front of me she reached up and caressed my cheek to wipe away the tears that had fallen. "I love you too baby." She whispered with a smile. All i could do was nod my head. I was completely transfixed while the pastor was talking until he called for the ring bearer and my beautiful boy came walking down the aisle holding my dad's hand. His loose curls bounced as he walked and he smiled big as he handed his mom the rings.
"Dakota Chapman do you take Daniela Ramirez to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do"
"Daniela Ramírez do you take Dakota Chapman to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do"
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Dakota and Daniela Chapman..... you may kiss the bride"
"Finally!" I said as i grabbed my wife and kissed her. Our family cheered and took pictures but for that moment it was just us, finally after 8 years of craziness i get to call this amazing woman my wife, in this moment the only thing that mattered to me were Daniela and our son and i vowed that i would love and protect them until my last breathe.
"Daddy, Mommy" Keoni started to say breaking me from my trance
" yes baby?" I asked as i picked him up
" Can we have a puppy now?" Daniela and i laughed as we hugged our boy between us
"How about we go look tomorrow?" Dani asked as she tucked one of his curls behind his ear. He smiled and nodded his head rapidly and with that I grabbed Dani's hand and walked us all down to the beach where our reception was being set up and our guests were getting themselves acquainted with the open bar.

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