"Hey, Dad"

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Jasmine's POV
I did as Dog asked and called my father; he didn't answer until the fourth ring and i was starting to get worried that he wouldn't answer at all.
"Hello? Jazzy is that you?"
"Hey, dad." Was all I could get out, i took a deep breath and mentally yelled at myself for not doing that before i called him.
"What's going on are you okay?" He asked sounded a bit worried
"Oh yeah dad I'm fine, sorry i just finished up cleaning, I'm a little tired." I glanced around the room and everyone had amused looks on their faces, that was a better lie than i expected.
"Anyways dad i was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch with me, i haven't seen you in a while?"
"Of course baby, that sounds great I'll meet you at that restaurant we always used to go to when you we were younger."
"Great, i should be there in about a half hour" he agreed and said he would see me soon.
As soon as i was off the phone Dani and her team started getting all of their gear on and i just sat and watched as i tried not to let myself feel guilty about this, he broke his promise to me again.
Daniela's POV
After i had my handcuffs and pepper spray secured in my belt i gave one last tug on my vest and went to sit with Jasmine until it was time for us all to leave.
"Hey sissy" i said as gently as i could
"Hey, wow you look hot I've never seen you in your full uniform."
We both started laughing and then, without warning jasmine's laughs turned into sobs and it took everything in me not to join her.
"Jazzy..." i started to say
"No no, I'm fine its just..... you were right and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, i think deep down i always knew he would do this but there was still some part of me that always had hope."
"I know, and if I'm being completely honest, i secretly hoped that he would change this time too."
We sat in a soothing silence holding hands for about 10 minutes and then Dog announced that it was almost time for Jasmine to meet up with our father.

It took us nearly twenty minutes to get to the restaurant and just in case he would beat us there we had Jasmine take her own Jeep so that we could pull around the back. Because Jasmine couldn't have a radio with her we came up with the plan that she would go in and either meet him or wait for him to show up, because we were running a bit late he was already there so she excused herself to the restroom like a genius and called me from there. As soon as i had confirmation i let the rest of the team know and we made our way inside.
It happened in slow motion for me, i saw him from across the restaurant and it felt like the wind was knocked out of me, he looked so old and i could tell right away that he had been using.
"Hey, dad." He looked up with a smile on his face and stared me dead in the eyes...he didn't recognize me
"Excuse me?" He asked. Wow thanks for making my job that much easier.
" wow, what's it been? 10 years? I cant blame you for not recognizing your own daughter." I spit out at him. His reaction was priceless i watched the lightbulb go off and as soon as it did, Dakota was there to save me.

Dakota's POV
"Tapani Mahone, you're under arrest for failure to appear and failure to check in." I finished reading him his rights as we were walking out of the restaurant.
"Aye you got the wrong guy bruddah" he tried but it just pissed me off more.
"Oh really tough guy, well you see that girl over there, YOUR DAUGHTER" i was getting madder by the second.... "she led us right to you, because you're just such a stand up father that you bailed out on both of them for a second time."
I looked over and the girls were holding hands looking as mad as i felt.
"Daniela please, let me explain" he pleaded.
"Did i say you could talk? Shut up and get in the car."
At the jail
Dani's POV
We pulled up to the jail almost 30 minutes later and the sun was starting to set, the day was almost up and we had accomplished what we set out to do.  Staring out the window I finally let myself feel the weight of what was about to happen.  I stepped out of the car and walked to where my dad was.
" remember me now?" I asked a little colder than I intended
" Daniela, you're so beautiful and grown up, if this is the last time I see you I want you to know how sorry I am I never wanted to hurt you." He said looking down.
" you should be, you left both me and jasmine without a father, do you know what it does to a kid seeing all her friends being close with their dads knowing that your own father is sitting in a 8 by 10?"
He didn't say anything.
" yeah I didn't think so"
"Get him outta here" I said to Leland as I walked back to the SUV.
  "Daniela-" Dakota started to say. I whipped around and hugged him tight.
"let's just go home"

The Fugitive's Daughter ( Dakota Chapman)Where stories live. Discover now