Ch. 10

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Dani's POV

I woke up this morning with a strange feeling, kind of like something was going to happen today but I didn't give too much of my energy to it because with our line of work things are bound to happen.
Dakota and I walked into the office, ready for today's case when I got the feeling from this morning again, looking around the office nothing seemed out of place so, again, I pushed the thought away.

"Alright everyone, gather around the board while I get our file." Dog announced, everyone got their seats and waited for Dog to return.

Quietly, Dog walked up to the board and began to write a name while posting a mug shot up, he turned around and let out a breath while looking, at me? Directly at me. Huh, strange I thought to myself.

I kept my eyes on Dani as I announced our fugitives name, "our guys name is Tapani Māhone" I said as I stepped out of the way to reveal his mug. My heart got heavy as I watched Daniela's face go from focused to heartbroken in a matter of seconds.

"Our guys name is Tapani Māhone.." I felt my heart rate quicken as the words left dog's mouth, slowly, I looked up at the board to see the colorless picture of my father staring back at me. I made eye contact with Dog who was already looking at me, his expression hard to read, "when?" I asked assuming he knew and was waiting for me to catch up.
"Three months ago." He responded

I could see Dakota out of my peripheral vision looking back and forth from me to his grandpa. "Somebody wanna tell me what I'm obviously missing?" He asked attracting everyone else's attention.

"Who is our co-signer Dakota?" Dog asked seemingly ignoring Dakota's question. "Jasmine Māhone, his daughter." I looked at Dakota fighting back the tears, "my s-sister." I said almost a whisper.

"That doesn't make any sense, your last name is Ramirez" he said waiting for an explanation.

"Remember how I told you that my dad was arrested when I was ten? How I moved to the mainland with my mom? Her maiden name is Ramirez, we changed our names back after they legally got divorced, she didn't want me tied to him." I watched as he pieced everything together and then took a big breath in and let it out.

"So we're hunting your father." Was all he said as he stared at the picture on the board.

So this is why that feeling wouldn't leave me alone.

After everyone knew the truth they all needed a minute to cope, I used that time to talk privately with Dog and Beth.

"I don't know what to say, except I had no clue he was out, and the fact that jasmine hid this from me.." my sentence trailed off as I shook my head letting a tear fall.

"Dani, you don't have to say anything, I knew who your sister was the minute she walked into the office, I didn't say anything because I didn't know what the situation between you and your father was like." Dog said sitting down.

"No, thank you, for not saying anything. I'm sure he knows I'm here because of her but I haven't spoken to him since they cuffed him." I said trying to compose myself.

"Does he have his own place? Or is he back home?" I asked sitting across from them.

"He has his own place, but he stopped checking in a few weeks ago, so now we need to bring him in."

"Am I allowed on the case?" I asked.

"That's completely up to you sista." Beth said adding, " we needed to know where your feelings were before we proceeded, now that we know you're with us 100% we can move on."

"I need to talk to my sister, can I have today to do that?" I asked hesitantly

Dog and Beth exchanged looks and then nodded their heads slowly, " Be. Careful Dani" Beth advised.

I smiled slightly and nodded back heading straight for my Jeep out back.

The Fugitive's Daughter ( Dakota Chapman)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें