The Boot Camp

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I wasn't a very loud person. I kept to myself most of the time. But at Boot Camp we were forced to be around each other all the time, so I had to get out of comfort zone a bit.
I didn't ever speak to Harry. There were always at least three girls surrounding him, and I didn't want to play into that scene of fighting for his attention with other girls. It seemed worthless to me, so I mostly just wandered. There was one boy who was absolutely adorable. His name was Niall. He had the most obvious dyed blond hair that stuck straight up. He always wore plain shirts with zip up hoodies over and baggy pants. He had a cute Irish accent, and he almost always had a guitar with him. And he was loud, insanely loud.
He was always cracking jokes and making everyone around him laugh. You always had a good time hanging around Niall, so I spent quite a bit of my time with him.
There was one really shy guy, he looked like the "dark and brooding" type but was actually the opposite. He was insanely quiet and insecure, and him and I became quick friends. We related to each other. He had black hair and always greeted me by saying "Vas happenin'?!" His name was Zayn.
There was another crazy loud boy, his name was Louis, and he was always causing mischief. There was one time he was mid prank, and I'd caught him. His eyes widened so wide I thought they'd pop from his head. He'd bribed me into helping him. He swore to me on his mother and sisters lives that if I helped him execute his pranks and didn't tattle on him he wouldn't ever pull pranks on me (at least not too many mean ones). He'd planted a seed of mischief in me, and that was what really brought me out of my shell.
The best part was, we drove this other kid, Liam, insane. He was like the dad of Boot Camp. He was always making sure everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing, when they were supposed to be doing it. I genuinely think he despised Louis and I.
I made some other acquaintances, but not any super good friends as Louis and Zayn.
But after the boot camp performances there were a lot of people being cut, and everyone was on their toes.
They called us out by categories. They had the girls come out first. I felt my hands shaking and sweating as we all waited in anticipation for what was going to happen.
They announced those going home, of which I wasn't in. I let out a relieved sigh as the remainder of us going through exited to backstage.
I passed Louis and he gave me a hug. "You made it!"
"Yay!" I said. "Good luck."
He patted me on the head as he walked on stage with the rest of the boys, making me laugh.
My laughter and smile quickly vanished, however. He didn't make it through. None of my friends did. Zayn, Niall, Louis...none of them made it. Neither did Harry or that Liam boy. It made me angry because they were all so good.
They all had tears staining their faces as they came backstage. I felt tears escape my eyes as well, seeing them so distraught made my heart ache.
Louis had his arm around Harry's shoulders, who was crying into his hands.
They all left to call their mums, they'd be going home soon.
I sat with the other people who made it through, all of them buzzing in excitement. But I couldn't feel any of it. This competition wasn't fair. I looked around at some of the people who made it through. Those boys were better than a majority of the people here. I was contemplating going up to the judges and telling them why they were wrong when they called them back on stage.
They passed me once again, the tears gone this time, but they still looked upset, and a little pissed off.
Why were they calling them back on stage? For publicity? They were crying! They shouldn't force them on camera. I made my way over to the side of the stage, watching to see what would happen.
"We've decided to put you into groups." My eyes widened and I clapped my hand over my open mouth.
The boys jumped into the air, cheering and yelling. Harry fell to his knees, his head in his hands. A few moments passed and they all group hugged before Simon spoke to them.
They came back, whooping and hollering, their faces radiating with happiness.
Zayn ran to me and grabbed my shoulders, the expression on his face so excited. I hugged him. "You made it!"
"We made it!" He exclaimed.
"Oi mate I wanna hug her too!" Louis said, shoving at Zayn playfully and hugging me.
I hadn't ever seen anyone as excited as they were.

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