The Fashion Fiasco

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"I'm having a crisis!" I declared, walking into the the lounge area and collapsing dramatically on the couch.

Harry was standing a few feet away, conversing with Mitch, a member of his band.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"I have no idea what to wear!" I covered my face with my hands, completely mortified. "I feel so much pressure, and I'm having an actual fashion emergency. I thought I would be fine with what I packed, but now I just don't know. I'm freaking out, Harry. I don't expect you to understand, but I feel this is terribly important."

There was a long silence, so I moved my hands away from my face to look at Harry, only to see a look of pure shock and genuine offense.

"What did I do?" I scrambled into an upright position. "Did I say something wrong?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Why yes. Yes you did."

My eyes widened as I thought back on everything I said. "Oh my...what did I say?!"

He rolled his eyes. "How could I not understand! Fashion is my passion! Besides music."

I snorted, actually snorted. And then I saw the look him and Mitch were both giving me, and I realized he was being completely serious. "Oh...oh my gosh. You're not kidding."

They both shook their heads. "You've come to the right man."

I was in for one heck of a fashion fiasco.

Harry dragged me back to my dressing room so I could show him the few items I had.

He looked through them and sighed, shaking his head in pure disappointment, making me incredibly self conscious.

"You be glad you came to me now. We still have four hours till the show. That's enough time to do a bit of shopping."

My mouth dropped open. Oh my goodness. We were actually doing this. Harry Styles was giving me fashion advice.

We changed into disguises–as in sunglasses and hats and large coats–and set off on our last minute shopping spree. We didn't take any security with us, which made me slightly nervous, because I wasn't sure how well I could handle it if a mob got to Harry. But he told me thousands of times that it would be fine.

He drove us to this massive shopping plaza called Union Square. He found a parking spot and dragged me along through tons of stores.

"Alright so, the key here is you want to establish your 'look'," he waved his hands rather dramatically with that word, making me bite my lip to suppress a laugh. "It will be something you will wear throughout the entire tour, so you want to make sure it's something you feel comfortable performing in, and that fits your music style."

My eyes were wide as I stared at the ground in front of us where we were walking. I could barely keep up with him. "What would you suggest?" I asked, feeling totally and utterly clueless.

He stopped, making me turn around to face him. He seemed extremely lost in thought as he looked around us at all the different shops. "Well taking into account that your style of music is very...soft, and gives you those sweet butterfly vibes, I would suggest something simple, definitely. But still something that stands out and is different from what most pop star women wear."

"Oh," I groaned. "Please none of those body suits. I can't stand those."

He nodded, still looking around. "Noted." Something seemed to catch his eye, because he took of his sunglasses and I saw a familiar gleam in his green eyes. It was a look I knew had to be a good sign. "How do you feel about dresses?"

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