The Start

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'Tour starts today! Hope you're as excited as I am x.'

I broke into a huge grin as I read the text from Harry. This was it, I was going on tour!

It was now September, Harry's album was released in May and I had just released my second album in July.

We had started planning for the tour in March, and oddly enough there were quite a few meetings I had to go to. I also got to sort of shadow Harry for a few days, learning different tips and tricks about being on tour.

I had just barely finished packing my things when I received Harry's text, I didn't have to pack a lot. I was going to be on a flight to San Francisco in an hour, then we would be getting to do some touristy sight-seeing before heading to the venue to do soundcheck. The show tonight was at the San Francisco Masonic Auditorium. I was beyond excited. I had never heard of the venue, nor had I ever been to San Francisco, but I was still ecstatic.

The second show was going to be back here in LA, and after that show we would be heading off to Nashville, so I would be getting the rest of my stuff after the LA show.

I checked my watch, Jeremy was going to be here any minute to take me to the airport.

As if on cue I heard the front door open. "Babe, I'm here let's bounce."

"Coming!" I called, making last minute checks that I had what I needed. Once I was satisfied I shouldered my overnight bag and was out the door.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed after we had been driving for a few minutes.

Jeremy was quiet.

I sighed. "Look, Jeremy I know you're not thrilled about me going, but this is my dream. It's finally happening! So can't you just be happy for me right now?"

"I am happy for you. I would just be happier if it were under different circumstances," he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

I slumped in my seat. "Harry is a good guy, he wouldn't ever-"

"But you don't know that!" He interrupted, raising his voice and making me jump slightly. "You barely know him. You have no idea what's true."

My mind scrambled to find words. "Not everything you read is true, you know." My voice was small, quiet, the opposite of his.

"Yes but some of those stories have to come from somewhere! They're not that creative they can't think up all of those details on their own. Some of them have to be true to an extent. He's a player and just seduces girls with his charms. He can get anyone he wants."

"Well I'm offended you think I wouldn't be strong enough to resist him if he did! Which he wouldn't, because he's not that kind of person!" The volume of my voice was starting to match his.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're so naive-"

"Jeremy, you can't honestly think I would cheat on you. Especially after what happened with Jenny at Coachella!" I pointed out.

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to bring that up again! It was a mistake." He said through gritted teeth. I could see his grip on the steering wheel tightening, but I was just getting started.

"Well we were in agreement to that until you decided you can't trust me and are convinced that I'm going to cheat on you! I know what it feels like to be cheated on, Jeremy. I wouldn't want to put anyone through that kind of pain. So why don't you just get over yourself and stop being such a jerk!" I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back into my seat and staring out my window.

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