The Worst Birthday...Ever

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My morning started off fine. Sarah and Clare woke me up by singing to me, and they apparently woke up earlier and ran to the closest grocery store to grab a cake.

Which the three of us all ate for breakfast...oops.

Once we finished we packed up all of our things and went down to the hotel lobby to get in the tour bus.


The entire bus ride was fine. We all were able to just talk and have a good time.

At one point during the ride Clare jumped up. "Gifts! We have to give you our gift." She grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her up to go to the other room where the bags were.

"So it's not finished." Sarah said as they walked back in.

"We're gonna continue to update it as time passes," Clare added as they both came in, Clare holding something behind her back.

"Since this was your first time ever touring, which is a big deal, we decided to make sure you would never forget it." Sarah said, nudging Clare's arm.

"Alright!" Clare said, laughing at Sarah and pulling it out from behind her. She handed me a book which was about the same size as a regular book. It was a black hardcover book. I opened it up and the first page said: 'Anna's First World Tour'

I flipped to the next page. Each page was dedicated to one of the shows. It would have pictures of me performing, with written messages by different people who were involved on the tour.

"Oh my gosh," I felt tears brimming my eyes as I looked up at them. "You guys! This is amazing."

They were beaming.

"Thank you so much!" I jumped to my feet, hugging them. "I absolutely love it. I'm going to read through all of this later. Thank you guys."

"Harry are you going to give Anna her gift?" Clare asked as her and Sarah st back down on either side of me.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I dunno..."

"Oh come on," Mitch nudged his shoulder. "Just because things are...awkward between the two of you doesn't mean you can't still give it to her."

"Way to say it like it is, Mitch." Sarah scoffed.

"What?!" He exclaimed innocently. "Everyone here knows it's true! There's no point in sugar coating it."

I shrugged. The man had a point.

Harry sighed. "Fine." He pulled something out of his coat pocket and handed it to me. "Happy birthday, Anna."

I took it from him, not looking away from him until it was in my lap. I looked down at a small box. I opened it up slowly and felt all my emotions inside me drain out. It was a silver chain, with little star pendants along it. I picked it up, seeing it was a bracelet.
(pictured in chapter cover.)
This boy sure did like buying me jewelry for my birthday.

"It''s beautiful, Harry." I handed it to Sarah and she helped me clasp it onto my wrist.

I hated it. Don't get me wrong, the bracelet was beautiful.

"It's supposed to go with your mums necklace."

Saying that had made this all worse for yourself, Harold.

I forced a smile, looking down at the bracelet and twisting one of the stars between my fingers. I felt so much frustration building up inside me. I didn't know how to react. So I just stayed silent.

Sarah and Clare quickly stood up. "I just remembered Sarah and I have a thing we need to do."

"Yeah, a thing. Mitch, Adam, would you mind helping us?"

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