The Coachella-Whoop Whoop.

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The girls squealed in excitement.

"I can't believe you're actually making me go to Coachella." I groaned.

"Oh c'mon, you know you'll have fun." Jeremy nudged my side.

I was in a bad mood, and Jeremy could tell.

"Okay, just because they didn't ask you to perform doesn't mean you get to be all salty and ruin it for the rest of us." Jenny remarked, rolling her blue eyes and tossing her dark hair over her perfectly tanned shoulder.

"I'm not mad they didn't ask me! I'm not that big of a star. I'm just...not into the whole Coachella scene."

Kristy rolled her eyes. "Dramatic."

I crossed my arms and stared out the car window, trying to ignore them. I honestly don't know why I was friends with any of them. They all seemed to dislike me and to be honest, I didn't really like any of them either. They probably just hung around because I was partially famous.

I mean, I didn't have much of a name for myself, I'd released two albums and had somewhat of a good following, but I wasn't as big as One Direction...was, at least.

They'd "broken up" or gone on a hiatus and it had been a few months, most of them have been fairly quiet since it happened.

We finally got there and I tried my best to separate from my group but it was impossible. I didn't know anyone, and they all stuck to me like glue.

We wandered for awhile and I heard Kristy shout. "OMG GUYS. That's. Liam. Payne!"

"What?" I flipped my head in the direction she was pointing.

"Okay Annalise, time to prove yourself. If you really know him, introduce us."

But I was already gone. I'd already parted from them and ran over to where he was. "Liam!" I called.

He turned, and when he saw me his smile grew ten times wider. "No way! Annalise!" He wrapped me in a big bear hug. "How've you been?! I haven't seen you in ages."

"I've been okay, I finally got signed!" I threw in.

"Congrats! That's amazing."

"Hey, " I said, getting an idea. "I feel so out of touch with you and the boys. Do you have their numbers?"

"Ohh I see you're wanting to meet up with Harry, eh?" He gave me a playful grin and poked my shoulder.

"Liam!" I said, hiding my blush. "Shut up. Just because you were the one person I told six years ago–"

He interrupted me by handing me his phone. Already pulled up on Harry's contact.

This time, I simply rolled my eyes. I got the information for all the boys from him, even Zayn.

"I was so sad to hear about him."

His smile faltered. "Me too, I really miss the lad."

"You guys were like best friends. Do you still talk?"

"Oh yeah, we used to all the time. Now it's just a casual here and there."

"I'm sorry. That's really the worst. I know what it's like to fall out of touch with your best friends..."

He suddenly looked extremely guilty. "I'm so sorry, Ann. Truly. We kind of lost you after X-Factor. I know we all regretted it, especially Harry."

I gave a small laugh. "It's alright, really. I understand it's probably extremely overwhelming to be thrown into stardom at that age."

"That's still no excuse. You were our friend, without you...well, you know we wouldn't have been able to make it as far as we did."

I was about to ask him which time he was referring to when my friends finally caught up to me.

"Oh my gosh. You're Liam Payne! I cannot believe it!" Kristy said, flashing her perfectly white teeth.

I flashed an annoyed look at Liam, as if to say, "Please ignore her."

He flashed a smile. "Well, believe it!"

Jeremy found his way next to me, slinking his arm around my shoulders, I clenched my teeth, forcing a smile.

Liam seemed almost worried by Jeremy's arm. "Hello again, mate. You two are still together? That's awesome! Well, anyway. It was nice to see you Annalise. Hopefully I can see you again soon." Liam said quickly, giving me a wave before walking away.

"Bye," I mumbled, annoyed at my friends, once again, being annoying.
"What are we gonna do now?" Jeremy asked.
"Let's go meet more celebrities!" Jenny exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly.
I let out a groan as the girls started to walk off.
"Hey," Jeremy said, stopping me. "Are you okay?"
I sighed, relaxing my shoulders. "I don't know, Jeremy..."
"Just chill out okay? No need to be so dramatic all the time. Just have fun and let loose. It's a big party, after all."
I stared at him as he walked off, catching up with the girls. Did he really just say that? Are you kidding me?! I rolled my eyes, getting more and more fed up with him every day.
I wasn't sure what had been going on recently, but his entire attitude changed. It was almost as if his ego reached its max and he just felt like he had to put others down a bit to make sure his ego was still bigger than everyone else's.
I knew it was just a phase and would fade soon enough, but I couldn't help but let it get on my nerves. It had been going on for a few weeks now, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to stand it much longer. But I knew it wasn't worth ending the relationship, I knew I loved him, and I knew that soon enough his little ego storm would end and he'd be back to normal. It was just a matter of time.


Later that night we were all having fun and partying to the performances.
They had all decided I would be their designated driver, which was fine with me because I didn't want to drink anyway.
They were all completely wasted and I was talking to a fan for a while. When I went back to where they were I saw that Jenny was all over Jeremy. They were dancing along to the music playing, and I felt my heart start to pound in my chest.
I stormed over to them. "What the heck?!" I yelled, making them look at me, stopping their dancing. "What's going on?"
They both went into drunken defense mode and tried to cover it up but I was too angry to listen.
"I can't believe this!" I screamed, turning and running to the parking lot. I yanked the car door open and shoved the keys into the ignition, feeling like I was going to burst into angry flames. I was driving away when I realized I had hot tears streaming down my face. I cried the entire car ride back home, wondering why the heck I had been stupid enough to be dragged  into this mess of a life.


oof drama drama draaaamaaaaaaa.
you're welcome, also sorry for the abrupt change in year and all (it's now 2016, in case that wasn't obvious) so it's been three years since she last saw the boys/her first date with Jeremy. hoe you're enjoying the story!! thanks for reading it haha.
also, jenny's a hoe. that's all. byeeee for now

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