The Judges' Houses

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"Harry come on! We've got to go on."
I turned and saw them. They were called One Direction now. They were all huddled around Harry, who was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. This was their first time performing as a group.
"Guys lets just give him space. We'll come back in a few minutes, Harry." Liam said before the four of them walked away, throwing each other confused looks and shrugs.
As soon as they separated I made my way over to Harry.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken? No? Oh, sweet." I sat down next to him, he finally looked up.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I shrugged. "I could ask you the same thing. Aren't you supposed to go on soon?"
He shook his head. "I can't do it."
I turned to face him more. "Why ever not?"
He scoffed. "You'd make fun of me."
"Why would I do that! I don't even know you, I would never make fun of someone unless I was good friends with them."
That got a small laugh out of him. I smiled.
"I'm just nervous. I have a huge solo and I'm terrified I'm going to screw all of it up."
My smile faltered. "I'm sorry."
"Why?" He asked. "It's not your fault. You didn't put me in a group with four strangers and then give me one of the biggest parts in the performance. I don't know why they gave the big solo to me. I'm not even the best singer in the group. All of these guys are older than me, and more experienced. Much better, even. Like Louis, or Niall, they barely have a part in the performance, and they sound way better than I do!"
"Alright hold on," I said, cutting off his ramble. "I heard your solo audition. You sang Isn't She Lovely, right?" He nodded. "You sounded amazing. If they gave you the solo, I'm sure they know what they're doing. You know. I was contemplating dropping out of this whole competition. Everyone was older, more experienced than me. Then I saw your audition, and it gave me hope. You're the same age as me, and you did a better job than most of the people here! If I hadn't been backstage, watching your audition, I wouldn't have stayed on this show. You're an amazing performer, with an awesome voice. You'll do fantastic. I know it."
He looked over at me, as if he was just seeing me for the first time.
"What's your name again?" I asked.
"Harry Styles."
"Oh wow," I said. "See? Now that's the kind of name that belongs to a star. I can picture it, 'Harry Styles' your name up in big, bright lights." I said, waving my hands up above our heads, as if it were right there.
"But I'm in a band, it wouldn't say my name."
I waved my hand dismissively. "Anything can happen. I'm just saying, you have talent. You have what it takes!"
"You don't know me, how do you know?"
I put my hand on his shoulder. "Because, Harry Styles, I have hope for you."
"One Direction, you're on!" A worker said.
"Knock 'em dead." I gave him a smile as he stood up, running over to where the boys were waiting. Right before he left to perform for the judges he looked back at me, his face conveying a look of happiness and hope.
After they performed they came back inside, talking to Harry, who had a huge grin on his face. He searched the room and when his eyes landed on me, he simply pointed.
The other boys all looked at me.
"Annalise?!" Zayn and Louis both exclaimed. The boys all ran over, thanking and hugging me.
"You're a miracle worker!" Liam exclaimed.
I blushed, now embarrassed I was getting so much attention. "It was nothing, really. I just told him what he already knew."
Harry shook his head, laughing at the excitement they all had. "Alright boys, get lost."
They all scattered, talking and chattering over each other with their excitement.
Harry was about to walk away but stopped himself, looking at me shyly. "Oh, Anna...wait, can I call you Anna?"
I shrugged. "I suppose. I've never been called that before."
"Okay," he gave a small, nervous laugh. "I don't know what made you talk to me, Anna, but I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you."
"Of course..." I said slowly. "I have to ask, do you remember me?"
He looked at me for a second, before his eyes widened. "That was you! The one who my mum helped on audition day."
I nodded, smiling.
"See I thought it was you, but I was afraid to ask in case it wasn't, I didn't want it to be awkward."
I laughed. "I understand."
"Your audition was amazing, by the way."
I tried to hide my blush. "Thank you."
"My mum absolutely loved you. My sister Gemma wouldn't stop talking about you the whole drive home that day."
I chuckled. "Really?"
"Yes! No offense but, it was annoying! It was like I didn't exist. I think my mum was seriously considering adopting you on the spot."
I blinked back the tears in my eyes. "Oh wow. That's so sweet."
He shrugged. "I guess," he laughed. "Alright, I'll see you around, Anna."


A/N: k i know the story is super awkward rn 😂 lol just bear with me friends.
also I actually have no idea how the judges houses part of X-Factor works, so if this isn't accurate just remember it's an AU so...oh well! just pretend that this is how it works

thanks for reading!!

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