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So since I never really delved into this in the actual story I decided to give you all my "analysis" I guess of the song Anna and how it fits perfectly with my story.

Because believe it or not I actually went through this song while I was writing this story and figured out exactly how each line worked with the story. I picked it apart with my cousin Grace (yes the one Grace in the story is based off of) because she was confused about some parts of the song because she felt they didn't fit the story. So we went through it awhile back and picked it apart.

So this update is to help you all understand my mind of going through this. I personally thought it was cool how it worked out and so I figured I would share it.

So without further ado, let's begin:

"Don't know where you're laying, just know it's not with me."

Clearly, he doesn't really know where she is or what she's doing. They're not as close as they were when they were younger.

"Don't know what I'd tell you if I passed you on the street"

They haven't seen each other in so long, he's genuinely unsure of what they would talk about. Would it be awkward? Would he still feel the same way? Who knows?

"I don't want your sympathy
But you don't know what you do to me
Oh, Anna"
Every time I see your face
There's only so much I can take
Oh, Anna"

He's stating that he doesn't want her to like, pity him or anything. He's just trying to tell her what he's been waiting eight years to say. He see's her face, and he WEAK bro.

"Don't know how you taste when there's smoke in your perfume"

This was the line that caused this discussion between Grace and I to come up. Grace mentioned that Anna wasn't a smoker in the story, so how did this line make sense?
So I said that it's an analogy (I had made this up on the spot. yes I'm that cool). The smoke represents Jeremy. Harry is simply stating that Jeremy is almost clouding up Anna's true self - aka her perfume. And just to make it better I made Jeremy a smoker. hehe.

"So chew me up and spit me out, nothing left to lose"

I mean. I don't even know what this line is supposed to mean. People use this saying so much and I've never really understood it lol. I think it's saying he doesn't really care how she perceives him at this point, he's got nothing left to lose.

[Chorus x2]

"Hope you never hear this and know that it's for you"

He's confessing his feelings in a song, and is hoping she will never hear it. But he's putting that, in. the. song. So clearly he wants her to hear it but he doesn't want her to know he wants her to hear it. Male logic.

"I don't know what I'd tell you if you asked me for the truth"

He'd avoid it because he's a shy, scared little boy who doesn't want to ruin her life but BRO he does it anyway because he's fetching HARRY. STYLES.


[Snippet of "Faith" by George Michael:]
Well I guess it would be nice
If I could touch your body
If I could touch your body
If I could touch your body
If I could touch your body

Purely for the comedic purposes between Anna, Sarah, and Clare. lol


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