The Dallas Show, Live On Tour

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A few more months passed and we reached our first American show of the tour, in Texas.

Everything was even more awkward after my birthday. The tension between Harry and I was unbearable, we barely spoke anymore. There's been maybe three words exchanged between us since then and it was killing me. All I wanted was for things to be okay between us, but I knew that wasn't possible.

So everything was all fine and normal (by normal I mean Harry and I's awkward normal) until someone unexpected popped in backstage before the show.


"Jeremy?!" I laughed in disbelief, walking over to him.

He wrapped me up in a hug. "I thought I'd surprise you for your first show in America!"

"I can't believe it! I missed you so much." I said once we separated.

He came in and I introduced him to everyone.

" remember Harry, of course." I said last, gesturing weakly at Harry.

Jeremy nodded at Harry, who was sitting on the couch. He didn't even look up at Jeremy.

"You look beautiful," Jeremy spoke, looking at my dress and back to my face.

"Thank you." I was wearing a pink dress with some simple pink roses on the skirt, matching the pink suit Harry was wearing for the night.

"Annalise, you're on in five."

"Thank you!" I called to the security member. I turned back to Jeremy, taking his hands in mine. "Well, I have to go get set up. But I'll see you after the show, yeah?"

He nodded, smiling.

I gave him a kiss, and then glanced back at Harry, feeling pleased with myself because I knew he saw.

As soon as I left the room, however, I felt terrible. I can't believe you just sunk that low as to make him jealous. I scolded myself as I walked towards the stage.

I was all set up and was going to go on in a few minutes when I heard footsteps hurrying towards me.

I turned around before he spoke.


"What, Harry?" I sighed, placing my hands on my hips.

He stopped in front of me, letting out a deep breath and looking at the ground. "Did you invite him–"

I waved my hand at him in dismissal, interrupting him. "No, no this isn't happening. I'll talk to you after the show, Harry. I'm not doing this right now."

I spun on my heel and ran up the stairs and onto the stage. A minute early, but I didn't care. It didn't matter.

The night went by in a rush. I hadn't changed, I was still in the dress as I waited for Harry's set to be over.

The moment he came into the room I went off.

"You think I invited him? Honestly? You think I wanted him here, wanted him to see the mess that is going on between us?!" I exclaimed.

Harry was standing frozen in the middle of the room, the band had stopped in the doorway and then collectively backed out and went down the hall.

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