The Future

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I didn't stop watching the show. I'd become best friends with those boys and I wasn't going to stop supporting them.
I was sitting on the carpet, two feet away from the tv screen. They announced that One Direction was going to be sent home, in third place. I jumped to my feet, yelling.
I heard him shout from the other room, making me stop, staring at my feet. I'd gotten so upset I hadn't even thought.
"Sorry." My voice was small as he entered the room.
"You're still watching that show? They kicked you off, you weren't good enough. Why should you care who wins?"
"They're my friends," I said, gesturing to the tv. I could hear Zayn speaking behind me, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying.
He rolled his eyes. "Friends," he scoffed. "Sure. Whatever you say Annalise."
I gulped, still looking down at my feet.
He walked out of the room and I turned, looking at the tv, watching as the boys all walked off the stage, heads hung as Simon lead them off.
My heart sank, I thought they'd for sure win. I sat on my bed, feeling tired and sick, and honestly a little hopeless.
"What now?" I asked my ceiling, as if it had all the answers.


Their success didn't stop there though, after they lost X-Factor, Simon knew they were too good to let go. He signed them to his label and next thing I knew they had an album and were starting on their first tour.
I had kept trying. I started a YouTube channel, and luckily I had a fan base from X-Factor to start out with. I grew my singing off that.
They started on their first tour, which I wasn't able to attend because I didn't have enough money, and the tickets sold out so fast.


A few years had gone by and I had finally been able to move out of my father's house.
I was living in Sheffield, England. The boys had announced their second tour, and I'd finally had enough money to go. I decided I'd vege a little, I had enough to buy meet and greet passes. I got two, one for me and one of my friends. The show was going to be on my nineteenth birthday.
It was the week before the concert and my friend had just told me she had to go to America for her grandmother's funeral, who had suddenly passed away. I kept her tickets and told her I would try to sell them for her.
It was the Sunday before the concert, and I was going to my favorite café called "Muffins", which was down the street from my house.
I was sitting at a table on my laptop, researching label companies that could possibly give me a contract so I could stop depending on Youtube and finally move to America.
I was minding my own business when someone stopped by my table.
"Excuse me," his thick American accent startled me. I looked up to see a guy standing at my table who looked like he was about my age. He had short cropped blond hair, and chocolate brown eyes. His skin was incredibly tan for someone in England, but judging by his accent he probably lived in a sunny state in the US. He wore light blue jeans and a black polo shirt.
"Yes?" I questioned.
"I was just curious as to why a gorgeous girl like you was sitting in such a nice place all alone."
I raised my eyebrows, letting out a small scoff. "Did you just use a line on me?" I asked, disbelieving.
He chuckled, proceeding to ask me if the empty seat at my table was taken.
I stuttered out an awkward 'no', to which he replied with sitting down across from me.
I was shocked at his boldness, so I decided to let it slide. We got onto talking, and after two hours I'd found out he liked One Direction.
"Really? You wouldn't by chance want to see them on Saturday would you? I happen to have an extra ticket."
He cocked an eyebrow, giving me a smirk. "Oh? Are you asking me out then?"
I couldn't help but smile. "I guess so. I'm Annalise, by the way."
"Jeremy. I'd better be on my way. But I'll see you for our date." He winked at me, before scribbling something down on a napkin and handing it to me. It simply had his name and a phone number.
I smiled at him as he stood up and left the café.


Saturday rolled around and Jeremy and I met up at the venue.
We laughed and had a great time. 5 Seconds Of Summer performed their opening set and then it was time.
I didn't mention to Jeremy my friendship with the boys, because I wanted him to be genuine with me about our date, and I wasn't sure how he'd react to the information.
They performed amazingly, they'd gotten much better since X-Factor, and they sounded much better singing their own songs rather than covers.
After the show ended we made our way backstage with all the other VIPs and got in line to take pictures.
I tried to peek through the crowd of extremely excited girls, I saw Niall and Liam, but I couldn't see anyone else from my view.
I got closer and closer, and right before it was my turn I told him.
"So, just as a warning, I'm actually best friends with them."
He gave me a quizzical look. I knew he didn't believe me.
I shrugged. "You didn't believe me now, but just don't be confused when they know who I am."
Then finally it was our turn. I walked up and all of their eyes went wide. "Annalise!" They all shouted, they got so excited and we all hugged each other.
"You guys are doing amazing!" I exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you guys." I said as I finished hugging Zayn.
Harry held his arms open. "I can't believe you're here, Anna!" I hugged him tightly. Once he pulled away he held me by the shoulders. "Also, hey! We've been keeping up with your YouTube channel."
"Yeah, we aren't the only ones doing amazing," Liam said, giving me a big grin.
"You guys haven't changed a bit." I laughed. I looked back to see Jeremy watching us in surprise. I gave him a smile. "This is Jeremy, my boyfriend. I mean, friend...who's a boy..." I winced. "He's my date." I laughed, trying to hide my utter embarrassment.
I saw all the boys give me wide eyes, looking between Jeremy and I.
I played with a strand of my hair nervously, feeling incredibly awkward.
The boys finally snapped out of their stares and all shook hands with Jeremy, smiling and saying hi. I couldn't help but notice Harry didn't shake Jeremy's hand.
"Well, um, let's take a picture then!" Liam exclaimed, clasping his hands together.
We all agreed and shuffled to pose for the picture. They put me in the middle, in between Harry and Niall, and Jeremy in between Zayn and Louis.
After we took the picture I waved goodbye to them all and they all yelled "Happy birthday!" As I walked away.
"I can't believe you were serious!" Jeremy laughed. "How do you know them?"
I let out a small chuckle. "That's a long story..."


A few months passed and Jeremy and I were becoming more serious. He'd gone back home to LA and I was getting ready to move to there.
Things were finally starting to work out. Jeremy knew a guy who worked for a record company in LA.
By July I was all moved into my new apartment and was signed under a record label. I had a boyfriend who lived in the apartments just across the street from me, and I was starting to finally see success with my music. Things were finally looking up.


creds to my wonderful cousin for the name "Muffins" for the café 😂 she thought of it and decided I had to use it so there you go.

and i know this story is still a little slow but it will be speeding up more now. and be prepared for a huge time jump haha.

also, oooooh dramaaaaaa. my cousin got extremely angry with me when she read about Jeremy haha. I think she's become more invested in this story than I expected her to...oh well! also hey go follow her and read her story! :D AdalineSullivan

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