The Epilogue

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There was one more thing I needed to have everything.

Harry and I had been married for a year before we had our baby girl on March 11, 2020.

I was still in the hospital, it had been a day since she was born when Niall and Grace arrived to come meet her.

"How is the little thing?" Grace asked, walking into the hospital room with Niall and Harry.

I smiled at the sight of her. She immediately let go of Niall's hand and ran over to the bed. "She's so precious!"

"Did you decide on a name?" Niall questioned, standing next to Grace as Harry made his way to the other side of the bed next to me.

I shared a knowing smile with him before turning back to them. "We've decided, after very long, thoughtful, and careful discussion, to name her Grace."

Grace's eyes welled up with tears as her hands flew to her mouth. "You're kidding."

I smiled at Harry and we both shook our heads at her. "Completely serious." Harry said.

"If she had been a boy, her name would've been Niall, right?" He pressed, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to look intimidating, but very much failing.

We all exchanged an awkward look. "Sure, Niall." Harry said, making all of us laugh, except for Niall.

He just looked offended.

"How's the little one doing?" My mom asked, walking into the room.

"She's good!" I responded, cradling the small thing in my arms.

She was a tiny thing, taking after me. She had slightly chubby cheeks that were just too perfect. Her eyes–when they were open (she sleeps a lot)–were green like Harry's. She didn't have a lot of hair, but what little hair she had was blond like mine. She had my nose, too. Her tiny little hand would always wrap around Harry's finger when he held her, which I thought was the most adorable thing in the world.

I never thought when I was younger that someday I would be a mother. I also never thought I'd have my own mother, but there she stood right next to me.

I smiled at all of them in turn, thinking about how amazing life turned out to be.

I had my best friends, my husband, my mom, and my daughter. It was the perfect start to a new chapter of life.

What more could I possibly want?

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