dating gilbert blythe...

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•helping each other study and find your vOcAtIoNs

•running his hands through your hair when nervous

•caring for his father with him :(

•teasing him bc of his jealousy of cole and billy

•him teasing you bc you're jelly of anne

•SO MANY i love you's

•many sarcastic remarks "do you even kNoW how to sPeLl?!"

•gil standing up for you at school against billy

•"study dates" which consist of you falling asleep to him reading you his fave book

•walking to school together hand in hand aWH

•passing love notes in class, and getting in trouble for it almost every week

•ruby gillis and josie pye hATE YOU "rUbY cAlLeD dIbS!!"

•diana and anne loving your relationship, because you make gilbert soooo happy

•gilbert talking about you to his father, and his father just knOWS YALL ARE GETTING MARRIED SOMEDAY AWH

•gilbert's father giving him his mother's old ring for WHEN he proposes to you someday cuZ YOU KNOW ITS GONNA HAPPEN

•you talking to your mother about gilbert, and she strongly approves of him. she helps you start your trousseau ;))

•you and gil having the strongest power couple relationship in all of avonlea and beyond

'anne with an e' imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now