Chapter 12

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Your POV

Matt; Here we are.
You; Wow! It's so peaceful here!

I said admiring the view. We sat on a bench near the lake. Matt's hand is all over my shoulder pushing me closer to him. I don't really know if I want to be friends with him anymore. I think... we should get our relationship to the next level .

Matt; Do you like the view?
You; Yeah.
Matt; I come here every night since I moved here again.
You; For real?
Matt; Yeah. It's so... You know... Peaceful.
You; True.
Matt; Hey, look up at the sky!
You; What?
Matt; Can you see the stars?
You; Yeah! They're so beautiful!
Matt; I know right!

I admired the sky, the stars... Everything! I just want to stay here forever! With Matt of course! But wait... It's Sunday today. Tomorrow we have school.

You; Matt?
Matt; Yeah?
You; It's Sunday today.
Matt; And?
You; Tomorrow, we have to go to school.
Matt; Relax! We don't have school tomorrow. Remember?
You; Oh yeah. It's that meeting the teachers have.
Matt; Yeah. So chill and enjoy the view!

I was staring at the moon's reflection on the water. So beautiful! The trees around us and the sound of their leaves while the wind blows them makes me feel so alive! I felt someone staring at me. I was pretty sure that was Matt. I turned my head facing Matt. He leaned closer connecting our lips. Damn! I thought that I wouldn't kiss him again! Not because I didn't like it, I loved it actually - that's why I've grown feelings for him - because I thought he didn't like me. Well, Ivey was right. I do have crush on him and he has crush on me. We disconnected our lips and looked at each other's eyes.

Matt's POV

Yeah, I did kiss her. I don't know I just couldn't resist! She's just so... So perfect! 😍

Me; You're so beautiful, you know that?
Y/N; Thanks!

She said and she blushed. I knew I could make her blush. She was just so cute!

Me; Wanna go to my place? I'll order pizza.
Y/N; You really know how to make a girl fall for you, don't you?
Me; Hahaha! Why you said that?
Y/N; Wait!  I said that loud didn't I?
Me; Haha! It's okay! So, shall we go?
Y/N; Yeah let's go!

She smiled. She stood up holding my hand and she started running, making me run too.

Me; Wow! You really wanna go to my place!
Y/N; Yeah. Maybe it's because I really like it.

I stopped running, causing her to stop too. I made that sad face thing sticking my bottom lip out. She laughed a lil bit and she grabbed my hand again.

Y/N; You're so cute!

I blushed.

Me; Thanks!

I said scratching the back of my neck. She started running again making me run too. We arrived at my house. We sat on my couch and I turned on the TV.

Me; So, what kind of pizza do you wanna?
Y/N; Matt, no need to buy pizza.
Me; Hey, I wanna buy you something.
Y/N; No need to buy me something.
Me; And what can I do for you then?
Y/N; Hmm... Open your arm.

Um what?!

Me; Huh?
Y/N; Just open your arm!

I opened my arm. She immediately wrapped her arms around my torso and she rested her head on my chest. I was so confused. All she needed was a hug?! From me?!  I rested my one arm on her back and the other was in front of her face , well I couldn't move it! It was still broken!

Me; What do you wanna watch?
Y/N; Whatever you want!
Me; Oh come on! 😂 Alright we'll watch a movie. What kind of movie do you wanna watch?
Y/N; Um... A scary one.
Me; Are you sure?
Y/N; Yeah.
Me; That's not a good idea Y/N.
Y/N; Is Matthew David Morris scared?
Me; No! And because you said that, we're gonna watch Annabel.
Y/N; Okay.

The movie started. I wasn't paying any attention at all. I was staring at Y/N admiring everything on her.


She screamed and she hugged me. Probably that was the jump scare part.

Me; Hey, relax! I'm here.
Y/N; Sorry! That jump scare got me so bad.
Me; Haha! It's okay.

Her eyes returned on TV again. I was still staring at her. A couple of hours later, she fell asleep. I turned off the TV. I kissed her forehead and I started rubbing her back.

Me; You have no idea how much I care about you.

I whispered. I kissed one more time her forehead and I closed my eyes too.

(Get a room already! Or maybe, start dating already! You're so cute together!)

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