Chapter 46

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Your POV.

Today, I graduated! Finally! I graduated with an A* and I'm proud! After we got our grades, we decided to go for a walk with our friends.

You: Hurry up Matt!
Matt: Well, you're always the one who's always late so... Just let me put that old spice aftershave on me!
You: You don't even have a mustache to shave!
Matt: Uh... I just like its smell okay?
You: Okay fine! But hurry up!
Matt: Babe, I need to smell good for you!
You: And we're late!
Matt: C'mon babe! Don't be mad!
You: I hate you idiot!
Matt: I love you gorgeous! So, I'm ready!
You: Great! Let's go!

I was about to go downstairs until he grabbed my wrist pulling me to his side.

Matt: You told me you hate me. Now, you owe me a kiss!
You: A kiss?
Matt: Or a peck, but if you want, we can have a hardcore make out season!
You: I'll stick with the kiss.
Matt: Alright! I'm waiting!

I placed my hands around his neck and I kissed him. We pulled away and I looked into his eyes.

You: Can we go now? It's like 6:30 pm!
Matt: Okay! Let's go!
You: Don't forget your jacket!
Matt: Okay mom!
You: And don't drive too fast!
Matt: Wanna take my mom with us too?
You: Fine! Let's just go!

We got inside his car and we fastened our seatbelts. Matt started the engine and he turned on the heater. He put the car on the highway increasing the speed.

You: Don't speed up!
Matt: Ugh fine!

He slowed down and he turned on the radio.

Matt: Babe, choose a song.
You: You choose!
Matt: No you choose!
You: Babyyyy!
Matt: Babeeeee!
You: Fine! Play 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran.
Matt: Good choice!

Matt started smiling at each lyric of the song. I melted as I listened to the chorus.

Matt: 'We were just kids when we fell in love'

Matt sang. I looked at him and I saw his eyes sparkly eyes. He was driving and he had that beautiful smile on his face that melts your heart!

Matt: Staring too much?
You: I just like your face when you smile.
Matt: You finally said something cute tonight!
You: I'll take it back.
Matt: No! I'll shut up.
You: Good!
Matt: By the way, we are here!
You: How do you know it?
Matt: That's Hudson's car, the black one over there is Justin's and that pink one is Ivey's.
You: Wow! I didn't know you knew their cars.
Matt: You've never asked! Now let's go!

He stopped the car and we got outside. He locked it making sure to set the alarm. We walked to our friends who greeted us with a warm smile.

Justin: My fam is here!
Liv: The crew is back!
Matt: Love you guys!
You: We missed you!  Our finals killed all of us for sure!
Hudson: Yeah, at least we're all together now!
Matt: Yep, so where are we going now? We can't stay in a parking spot for hours!
Justin: We're going to...
Ivey: The cheesecake factory!
Liv: I thought we were going to KFC.
Hudson: What about Burger King?
Mark: Didn't we say to go to Taco Bell?
Justin: GUYS! We're going to Starbucks, okay?
Matt: Well, you guys really know how to plan meetings.
You: True!
Justin: Just shut up and walk in the cafeteria!

Matt and I laughed and we walked inside the shop holding hands. We sat down next to our friends and we ordered two coffees. Matt was still holding my hand which made me feel so safe!

He looked at me and he kissed my cheek as the coffees arrived on the table. Matt gave me my cup and then he grabbed his. He took a sip and he nodded his head excitedly.

Matt: Hey cutie! Wanna try my coffee?

He asked me.

You: If that's okay with you, baby!
Matt: Of course it is! Try it!

I took a sip of his coffee and I "accidentally" drank it all.

Matt: I see you loved my coffee.
You: It was good tho.
Matt: Glad you liked it!
You: So, uh, what are we going to do next?

I whispered to him. He smirked and he kissed my cheek again.

Justin: Can you guys just stop?
Liv: C'mon Justin! They're cute!
Justin: I have a stomach too!
Ivey: But look at them! The way that Matt looks at Y/n!
Liv: The way that Y/n looks at Matt!
Matt: Alright guys, can you stop?
You: Yes please! Stop saying those stuff!
Ivey: Awe! They're blushing! How cute!
Matt: Hudson, say something please!
Hudson: Potatoes?
Matt: Thanks a lot Hudson!
Hudson: No problem brother!

After our meeting, Matt took my hand and we walked to the car. He unlocked the car and we went inside turning on the heater. I laid my head back against the seat. Matt lowed my seat as he noticed I was sleepy.

Matt: Good night princess!
You: Good night Matt!
Matt: Sleep here for now and I'll wake you up when we'll arrive.

He kissed my head and his eyes returned on the road.


Hate vs Love |completed|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora